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Feb 20, 2012
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My name is Lindsey. I love makeup obviously. I am fun and creative but love subtle makeup. Not trying to offend anyone but I like calm colors like brown and tan. Not like blue.. i think it looks "weird".. It looks like your TRYING to be like "OH yeah.. BY THE WAY. I'm wearing makeup". Anyways, I also ride horses and I love it. It isn't the most fashionable thing. It is nice to go up to the stables and  be like not wearing any makeup, a pair of stretchy loose jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. I love it. So yeah.. my life story. 

Also, I don't care what other people think I am...

I don't care who you are and what you say. I'm not saying this forum has mean people but I joined a couple minutes ago and I know from past experience with other forums some people like to be rude and annoying. I'm sure that you would come up to me and be like "yep your ugly" or "yepp.. that is so stupid". So if you want to say something mean.. go ahead but don't think I will care.

Bye for now,


That, by far, has to be the most interesting hello post I've seen yet.

Welcome to MUT!

Originally Posted by Pancua /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That, by far, has to be the most interesting hello post I've seen yet.

Welcome to MUT!

 And I'm already starting off interesting. 

Totally agree with her. Haha anyways, welcome Lindsey. Hope you are enjoying. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> take care 

Originally Posted by Pancua /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That, by far, has to be the most interesting hello post I've seen yet.

Welcome to MUT!

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