Hello everyone...I'm I newbie that's happy to have found this site

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Dec 12, 2012
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My name is Andi and although I'm not new to forums because I belong to one for curly girls, I have to say I am new to a makeup forum. I think the concept is pretty cool and I'm looking forward to sharing and learning from others.

Welcome to Makeup Talk.

First thing, please read our Terms of Service. Next go visit your profile (top of the page) and fill out some information about yourself so we can get to know you. Then go take a stroll through our forum filled with beautiful goodies and helpful information.

Some of our most well-loved sections are:

Subscription & Sampling Programs

Makeup Discussion

Makeup Videos & Tutorials

Nail Talk

General Chit Chat

Hair Care Talk

Most of all, we hope you have a fun time here and find answers to any and all questions you may have. Please don't hesitate to private message myself or other moderators if you need something. 

Happy Holidays

Welcome to MuT! I'm a fellow curly girl, I'm sure you can find some useful stuff in our hair forum. If you have any questions, just let me or any mod know!

 Hello and welcome to MUT! 
So glad you found us!! There is so much information here and a great way to teach, learn and grow! If there is anything you have a question on, please feel free to contact me or any of the mods to help you out. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hope you enjoy the boards!


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