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Sep 15, 2011
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I have hair that is down to the bottom of my ribcage (about 2 inches above my bellybutton).  It looks really soft and pretty after it dries.  When I straighten it, it ends up looking stringy after a few hours.  Is there something that I should be putting on it to prevent this?  Or do I just need to cut my hair?

When you straighten your hair, I assume you use a heat protectant.

If it is only the bottom few inches, then it sounds like a good trim is in order.

Removing a few inches will make your hair look a lot fuller and healthier. 

As Dragonfly pointed out if it's only the tips you might need a trim. It could also be you're applying too much hair shampoo and/or conditioner. It's also possible your hair products contain too much silicone. To rule out your hair products try doing a DIY Apple Vinegar rinse. After you wash your hair use 1 cup of Apple Vinegar (under $2 at any grocery store) and rinse your hair with it, leave on for a couple of minutes then rinse.

Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

As Dragonfly pointed out if it's only the tips you might need a trim. It could also be you're applying too much hair shampoo and/or conditioner. It's also possible your hair products contain too much silicone. To rule out your hair products try doing a DIY Apple Vinegar rinse. After you wash your hair use 1 cup of Apple Vinegar (under $2 at any grocery store) and rinse your hair with it, leave on for a couple of minutes then rinse.
I'm not sure if its the hair products because I don't have a problem with my natural hair or when I curl it.  Would the coating on the straighteners plates make a difference?


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