Hey...here in Peurto Penasco, Mexico

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Jul 15, 2004
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Hey Yall....hope all is fine with you guys! My hubby and I , and sister and bro in law are down in Mexico for the last week...having a blast. Went deep sea fishing today! Caught lots of fishys...dirt under my clean nails..yuk! LOL

Anyway thinking of you and keeping up with the forums...I did bring all my makeup stuff with me...always a junkie! LOL

Heading back to Arizona tomorrow.....back to reality!!!

Hope you all are happy and healthy!!!

Hugs, Pammie

Wow what a trip! NIce picture also. I see you are all tanned up! THanks for poking your head back in here to all us workers LOL

Have fun and hurry back!!

Originally Posted by Pinkymarz

Hey Yall....hope all is fine with you guys! My hubby and I , and sister and bro in law are down in Mexico for the last week...having a blast. Went deep sea fishing today! Caught lots of fishys...dirt under my clean nails..yuk! LOL
Anyway thinking of you and keeping up with the forums...I did bring all my makeup stuff with me...always a junkie! LOL

Heading back to Arizona tomorrow.....back to reality!!!

Hope you all are happy and healthy!!!

Hugs, Pammie

Hi Pammie! Glad you're having a great time on vacation. Have a safe trip home.


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