HGH products!

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Jun 11, 2005
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I am really curious about these products.

Has anyone tried any?

I have heard that the most natural one is Sytropin ( heard that celebrities uses this) It`s like Homoeopathic medicine.

I use a natural progesteron cream, but I am considering HGH.

well...you might be too young to even think in that direction, but just wanted to ask anyway.

Originally Posted by KittyM I am really curious about these products.Has anyone tried any?

I have heard that the most natural one is Sytropin ( heard that celebrities uses this) It`s like Homoeopathic medicine.

I use a natural progesteron cream, but I am considering HGH.

well...you might be too young to even think in that direction, but just wanted to ask anyway.

I have never heard about such a thing in my life
but if celebrities use it I want to know about this stuff!
with the symptoms of menupause already starting to affect me i'm on the look out for products that can help me through some of the issues (mostly this sweating issue). can you tell me more about the progesterone cream and how you use it? thanks kim

Originally Posted by Naturally I use a natural progesterone cream ...been doing so for 3 years now ..but HGH addresses something different I believe. HGH is Human Growth Hormone ..something that is naturally occuring in our bodies and we have less and less of it as we age. I've tried some ..but never noticed any difference ..then again not everyone is alike and not all HGH's are alike also.
If you try it ..please let us know. I do know -one thing ..I'll NOT stop using the progesterone cream ..I've gone thru menopause w/o ANY of those nasty symptoms and I love it!

I've had some good results for my menopausal symptoms with Pro-Gest cream. I purchased that at a health food store. I was recently introduced to an herbal blend called Lunazon, from the Amazon Herb Company. It contains herbs from the rain forest, that I was not familar with, such as Abuta, Suma, Jatoba, Mulungu, and Espinheira Santa. It also contains Passion Flower and Lemon Balm. I have been taking this product for only a couple of weeks, and have noticed some positive changes. I have more energy, and am less irritable.

Where do you get the Arbonne brand that you mention? Is it safe to use without first consulting with your physician? Thanks, I am having many peri-menopausal symptoms and not finding any relief.

Originally Posted by terrimcat Where do you get the Arbonne brand that you mention? Is it safe to use without first consulting with your physician? Thanks, I am having many peri-menopausal symptoms and not finding any relief. Welcome to MakeupTalk terrimcat

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