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Sep 1, 2007
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My name is Dave and I have been convinced by 3 friends of mine to give crossdressing a try. It has been interesting so far, but I am pretty much a novice. This forum seemed like a very friendly and accepting way to learn a lot, but it also feels like going from grade school to Harvard. I am looking forward to posting here and I'll try not to post too many annoying newbie questions. I have to say this really looks like a friendly place. I originally made the name Jenny because I was just going to lurk and try and fit in. When I started reading the posts, I saw I could actually be honest. That's awesome.


you can ask one of the mods to chance your user name

Thanks for the welcome! I haven't decided. I may get my name changed, but I guess Jenny is the name I'm going by when I dress. Decisions, decisions.

Thanks Rachael and Daeron for replying! What's amazing is I was just looking at that secretary pic before I got notified I had a reply. I was looking at all the Dare to Be Challenges. I thought it was a professional model so great pictures obviously. I'm disapointed I missed the gender bender challenge though lol.

Hi Dave and welcome to mut! Yup, we're pretty accepting around here!

Thanks for all the great welcomes. I am already a sophomore after one day. I guess I have a lot of questions afterall.

Welcome, Dave! Yes, it's great to be honest AND to be accepted. One of my daughters is named Jennie so I think it was a wonderful name choice.

With love,



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