Hi from Tacoma, WA!

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Apr 4, 2012
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Hi!  My name is Debbie, and I'm a makeup addict (There! I said it!  Isn't the first step in recovery admitting you have a problem?)
   However, if being a makeup addict is wrong, I don't wanna be right!  LOL!!

I'm fairly new to MUT, and I'm addicted to that now too!  LOL!  This is a great website, and I really enjoy reading everyones' posts and reviews! 

I am signed up for way more sample subscriptions than I should be, but hey, who needs to eat or have a roof over their head?  And electricity?  It's overrated!

When I'm not scouring Ulta or Sephora, or working (gotta fund the ol' cosmetics addiction somehow), I can usually be found looking like a cast member of the Walking Dead in front of my computer searching for that elusive holy grail of foundation, with a little drool (or a lot) running down my chin. 

I'm a natural blonde (at least I think I am...it's been so many years since I've seen my real hair color, I'm just guessing at this point).  I LOVE trying out new hair colors.  On other people.  Hey!!  WAIT A MINUTE!  GET BACK HERE!  I JUST MIXED THIS STUFF UP SPECIAL FOR YOU!!" 

So glad to be here! 

Welcome to Makeup Talk, where we welcome all shapes, sizes, colors and genders. First thing, please read our Terms of Service. Next go visit your profile (top of the page) and fill out some information about yourself so we can get to know you. Then go take a stroll through our forum filled with beautiful goodies and helpful information.

Do you like makeup tutorials? Go check out our section filled with Makeup Tutorials and Videos. Love to join in group discussions? Come browse the groups and find which one interests you most... maybe all of them!

Most of all, we hope you have a fun time here and find answers to any and all questions  you may have.

Hi there, I'm from the Lower Mainland area in BC (Vancouver & surrounding burbs/lesser cities), not that far from you :) Haven't been around much as I've been busy with other interests, but still drop in here from time to time. I do a fair amount of shopping in Washington state - love makeup shopping in the US - usually every couple of weeks or so, although I really do need to get out to Seattle again sometime soon. Haven't been there for years & love it. I'm sure I'm just as much of an addict when it comes to cosmetics, although I really find messing with my own hair color a pain in the arse. I've begun allowing salons to start taking care of that part of my routine for me :) I also really like mixing up some of my own products like makeup removers, finishing powders & oil control base products that agree with my skin & which I can't find on the market. I've always been interested in herbs too, and have always incorporated them into skin care products I make like masks, facial mists, etc. My grandmother got me hooked on herbs at an early age :) I'm big into traveling & living in different countries, learning different languages, cooking foods from cultures other than my own. I love aboriginal art of all kinds, especially North West Coast, as well as aboriginal culture & history from around the world. I'm no expert on it, but am very much interested in learning more & more about it. The fact that my oldest son is half First Nations likely has something to do with that, although it's always been an interest of mine since I was very young. I've always gravitated towards those types of cultures. Anyways, let me know if you'd like to do a swap sometime. I'm a PM away, even if I'm not here that often :) I've amassed quite a bit of cosmetic products I really don't need, or which I would love to trade for something else. My current 'in lust' products are Bobbi Brown lipsticks, glosses, blushes, cream shadows & gel liners, Mark eyeshadows, Inglot eyeshadows, and the newer formula of Smashbox's eyeshadows, but I'm always willing to consider other products, of course :) Nice to meet you and have fun :)

 Hello and welcome to MUT! 
So glad you found us!! There is so much information here and a great way to teach, learn and grow! If there is anything you have a question on, please feel free to contact me or any of the mods to help you out. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hope you enjoy the boards!

Thanks so much Beautiijunkii!!  I'm a goofball that can't get enough makeup.  Dangerous combination!  LOL!!  Nice to meet you!

Hi Satojoko!

I want to say "howdy neighbor!"  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Vancouver is pretty darned close to here.  Next time you are in the Seattle area, let me know, and we'll hit Sephora!!  YEAY!!

I really appreciate the warm welcome, and it sounds like we are kindred spirits when it comes to hair and makeup!  Yes, let's definitely look into swapping sometime. I know all about Mark products- I sell Avon too, so I have a lot of fun trying out the demo products from both the Avon and Mark lines. 

That's really exciting that you make a lot of your own products!!  I've started experimenting with making Frankenpolish.  I'll have to post some pics here of some of my creations one of these days. 

Thanks again for the welcome, and I'm so excited to be here!  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hi, I'm new too! Isn't makeup so much fun? I love it but is certainly is one expensive habit. Oh, well, beauty doesn't come for free. LOL. I have some friends who live in the PSNW area and I'd love to visit someday. See you around the boards! 


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