Hotpink & Purple Tutorial forums

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Wow Wow Wow I have that quad but the way you use the purple with that great pink is wonderfull. Thanks for taking the time to take and post the pics

i loved it, ur eyes are asom, ur funny and multi talented...doitagain doitagain

GREAT TUTORIAL. I was just wondering what product you used to fill in your brows? Just curious cuz i have really dark eyebrows and don't know what to fill them in with???

hey babe.. i normally DONT fill in my brows cuz theyre kinda thick enuf

but if i ever feel like i need to, then i'd use the brown e/s frm the Mac's Taylormade Palette

and brush on sephora fixing gel over them

I have a Screaching hot pink that just came in the mail with a palette i just ordered... didnt know what the heck to do with it, till now!
