How can i eat chocolate but not become fat? forums

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Apr 12, 2011
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I love chocolate but i am really worried about getting fat. I have tried low fat chocolate but that still makes me put on a few pounds if i eat to much. Any one have a idea?

I lost alot of weight a few years back and the only thing I didn't deprive myself of was chocolate.  I kept a little stash on my night table and only when I had a serious craving did I indulge.  The key here is not to go overboard.  I wouldnt have a whole bar of something.  Rather, I would buy the Hershey's chocolate bar and break off one row and call it good.  I fed my craving, felt like I didn't deprive myself and didn't put on any weight.  Moderation is super important!

Forget about any kind of chocolate but the purest (i mean black chocolate, 70 or 80% of cocoa), and eat two/three squares. It's the most beneficial for your health.

I am a chocolate addict. If I could (and I have in the past, which was not good!) I´d eat entire chocolate bar each day. Dark chocolate however I can´t stand, it´s boring and tastes bitter. I need my milk chocolate with hazelnuts lol

I just can´t have any chocolate around the house, because if it´s there I will find it and eat it! What I sometimes do is buy a little Milky Way bar (one of those 100 cal ones) when I`m at the grocery store, but anytime I buy something bigger I will eat all of it straight away. I really have zero self control when it comes to chocolate!

I don't think chocolate makes you fat. I eat ALOT of chocolate and I'm not fat (yet). I agree with Diva tho, just do it in moderation.

I agree with the girls eating dark chocolate.

Also, consider having a bite or two after you eat a meal.

This way, your blood sugar doesn't get affected as much.

I love chocolate, especially Milky Way! I completely agree that moderation is the key and I also like Andi's idea of buying a mini chocolate bar instead of one of the big candy bars or a bag of chocolates.

If you are really worried about gaining weight from eating chocolate but you do not want to give your chocolates up, you could make up for it with exercise. Like, in order to eat a piece of chocolate you have to complete like, 50 sit ups (or any type of fitness & amount) and then reward yourself with 1 piece of chocolate. Just an idea :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Best of luck in whatever you decide to do!

The chocolate with the really HIGH cocoa %% doesn't contain as much sugar as regular junkfood chocolate bars but they also taste TERRIBLE!!!

I never liked chocolate until recently.  I crave it all the time now but I restrict myself.  I'll get some chocolate covered raisins, milky ways, or pretzels m&m's  (the lower fat side of chocolate).  I still don't eat it too often.  

@ Diva is it bitter?

Yah.  Like a spoon full of cocoa.  I bought some for my mom because of the anti oxidants but I tried one and ended up not giving them to her. :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Ew I once ate baking chocolate out of my mom's pantry because I didn't read the label.....SO nasty

Ugh I can't believer people willingly eat that

I have to agree with Magosienne. Just because it is a healthier version doesn't mean you should gorge on it either. A couple of pieces should suffice.

Its actually because it is gross.  You can only tolerate a couple of squares.

Originally Posted by Johnnie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have to agree with Magosienne. Just because it is a healthier version doesn't mean you should gorge on it either. A couple of pieces should suffice.

I can tolerate more than a few pieces. Dark chocolate is delicious. It may take a while to get used to the bitterness though.


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