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Chocolate cake for breakfast and a pound of spinach for dinner? Looking and feeling your best has never been so easy, so guiltless or so much fun!
Let’s be honest, ladies, are you tired of hearing about the eating habits of airbrushed celebrities? Do you want to feel sexy as you slide into your favorite jeans, but you’re too confused by the complicated diet plans out there? Well, here is the antidote to all of that nonsense!
With saucy wit and goodwill to spare, Lipper and Vincent reveal their tricks for how you can overcome any food obstacle, from which cocktails will keep you light on your feet past midnight to how you can stay on track when you’re down in the dumps (or if you just got dumped). They’ll teach you how to eat the foods you love with confidence, make smarter choices, and wake up your inner Hot Chick once and for all.
It’s time to end the vicious dieting cycle with this straightforward and hilarious guide to enjoying your food, embracing your body and celebrating yourself like only a true Hot Chick can.
Hot Chick Definition:
A confident woman. She knows what she wants and gets it. She is aware of her flaws, but she doesn’t obsess over them and instead thinks that maybe (just maybe) they actually add to her unique beauty. She is passionate. She loves life. She is comfortable in her own skin and owns her sexuality, but uses it purely for good. She does not see other women as her enemy and competes only with herself to do her best at all times and to be her best at all times. She is forthright, honest, disarmingly herself and tries to be no one else. She is having fun and she is sexy and you just want to be around her to soak up some of those good vibes. She isn’t perfect, but she doesn’t care because she is hot. And so are you.
*These fun terms are all defined in the book
What Is A Hot Chick And How Can I Be One Of Those?
Welcome to the world of Hot Chicks. Guess what? You’re hot! You probably didn’t know that, did you? You probably think you’re OKAY, but spend lots of days feeling fat and gross and LSE* as all hell. We know because we used to be like you. We used to spend lots of time obsessing about every calorie we swallowed, thinking that if we made one bad food choice we would somehow instantaneously become fat and undesirable. We woke up one day, though, and realized that the problem had nothing to do with a little too much chocolate one night or an extra slice of pizza at lunch. It was actually living in fear like this that was keeping us from really being hot.
We were wasting our heyday* by being LSE* and acting like total losers, and it was actually turning us into losers! Yikes! So we told ourselves and the universe* that we were hot and decided to just go ahead and start living like the Hot Chicks that we wanted to be. And it worked! As we started to believe that we were hot, other people started thinking we were hot, too, which made us want to take care of our bods so that we’d feel even hotter! We also started feeling more heydayish* too, which was an extra awesome benefit of eating and treating ourselves well.
Along the way, we learned exactly what foods made us feel great about ourselves, and which ones left us feeling bloated, grumpy and unsatisfied. We also learned how to prioritize which foods we didn’t miss at all when we left them on our plates, and which ones were way too much fun to ever dream of giving up. We’re not perfect. We make giant mistakes all the time with everything from our food to our hair to our boyfriend, but we figure that it’s our heyday*, so it’s okay to mess up once in a while. Plus, it’s so much easier to laugh at yourself and keep on chugging when you really believe that you are hot, and we want to help you realize that you are, too!
Keep in mind, when we say "hot," we are not talking about looking like you walked off the cover of a magazine, and this has absolutely nothing to do with Paris Hilton! (Just a reminder: the word "hot" was used for years before she was even legal.) Here’s the secret, ladies – it’s not how skinny or buff or ****y you are that makes you hot, and it’s not really what you eat, either. So why’d we write this book? Because we know that as women so much of our self esteem centers around food. What we eat has a giant effect on how we feel about ourselves, and this book will teach you what to eat to make yourself feel better and less LSE* than you ever have before.
The first step to being a Hot Chick is to get rid of all your LSE*, embrace your heyday*, and decide that you deserve all the goodness that the universe* has to offer. When we talk about Hot Chicks we are talking about those cool, confident women you see every now and then who, no matter what size they are, just ooze sex appeal and awesomeness. They always seem like they are having fun. They can confidently order a beer and a giant piece of chocolate cake, eat it alone, and then turn all the heads in the room when they walk away. These are Hot Chicks. Hot Chicks are confident, smart, fun, kind, and never apologize for who they are, what they look like…or what they eat.
We are so excited to share our Hot Chicks tricks with you! WE know that you’re already hot and that you have the potential to be and feel even hotter. And we promise that when you start eating like a Hot Chick, you will be loving life and having a hotter heyday* than you ever thought you could. Remember, the only thing stopping you from being hot is not knowing that you are. And you are! We promise.
How to Eat Like a HOT CHICK - by Jodi Lipper and Cerina Vincent
Let’s be honest, ladies, are you tired of hearing about the eating habits of airbrushed celebrities? Do you want to feel sexy as you slide into your favorite jeans, but you’re too confused by the complicated diet plans out there? Well, here is the antidote to all of that nonsense!
With saucy wit and goodwill to spare, Lipper and Vincent reveal their tricks for how you can overcome any food obstacle, from which cocktails will keep you light on your feet past midnight to how you can stay on track when you’re down in the dumps (or if you just got dumped). They’ll teach you how to eat the foods you love with confidence, make smarter choices, and wake up your inner Hot Chick once and for all.
It’s time to end the vicious dieting cycle with this straightforward and hilarious guide to enjoying your food, embracing your body and celebrating yourself like only a true Hot Chick can.
Hot Chick Definition:
A confident woman. She knows what she wants and gets it. She is aware of her flaws, but she doesn’t obsess over them and instead thinks that maybe (just maybe) they actually add to her unique beauty. She is passionate. She loves life. She is comfortable in her own skin and owns her sexuality, but uses it purely for good. She does not see other women as her enemy and competes only with herself to do her best at all times and to be her best at all times. She is forthright, honest, disarmingly herself and tries to be no one else. She is having fun and she is sexy and you just want to be around her to soak up some of those good vibes. She isn’t perfect, but she doesn’t care because she is hot. And so are you.
*These fun terms are all defined in the book
What Is A Hot Chick And How Can I Be One Of Those?
Welcome to the world of Hot Chicks. Guess what? You’re hot! You probably didn’t know that, did you? You probably think you’re OKAY, but spend lots of days feeling fat and gross and LSE* as all hell. We know because we used to be like you. We used to spend lots of time obsessing about every calorie we swallowed, thinking that if we made one bad food choice we would somehow instantaneously become fat and undesirable. We woke up one day, though, and realized that the problem had nothing to do with a little too much chocolate one night or an extra slice of pizza at lunch. It was actually living in fear like this that was keeping us from really being hot.
We were wasting our heyday* by being LSE* and acting like total losers, and it was actually turning us into losers! Yikes! So we told ourselves and the universe* that we were hot and decided to just go ahead and start living like the Hot Chicks that we wanted to be. And it worked! As we started to believe that we were hot, other people started thinking we were hot, too, which made us want to take care of our bods so that we’d feel even hotter! We also started feeling more heydayish* too, which was an extra awesome benefit of eating and treating ourselves well.
Along the way, we learned exactly what foods made us feel great about ourselves, and which ones left us feeling bloated, grumpy and unsatisfied. We also learned how to prioritize which foods we didn’t miss at all when we left them on our plates, and which ones were way too much fun to ever dream of giving up. We’re not perfect. We make giant mistakes all the time with everything from our food to our hair to our boyfriend, but we figure that it’s our heyday*, so it’s okay to mess up once in a while. Plus, it’s so much easier to laugh at yourself and keep on chugging when you really believe that you are hot, and we want to help you realize that you are, too!
Keep in mind, when we say "hot," we are not talking about looking like you walked off the cover of a magazine, and this has absolutely nothing to do with Paris Hilton! (Just a reminder: the word "hot" was used for years before she was even legal.) Here’s the secret, ladies – it’s not how skinny or buff or ****y you are that makes you hot, and it’s not really what you eat, either. So why’d we write this book? Because we know that as women so much of our self esteem centers around food. What we eat has a giant effect on how we feel about ourselves, and this book will teach you what to eat to make yourself feel better and less LSE* than you ever have before.
The first step to being a Hot Chick is to get rid of all your LSE*, embrace your heyday*, and decide that you deserve all the goodness that the universe* has to offer. When we talk about Hot Chicks we are talking about those cool, confident women you see every now and then who, no matter what size they are, just ooze sex appeal and awesomeness. They always seem like they are having fun. They can confidently order a beer and a giant piece of chocolate cake, eat it alone, and then turn all the heads in the room when they walk away. These are Hot Chicks. Hot Chicks are confident, smart, fun, kind, and never apologize for who they are, what they look like…or what they eat.
We are so excited to share our Hot Chicks tricks with you! WE know that you’re already hot and that you have the potential to be and feel even hotter. And we promise that when you start eating like a Hot Chick, you will be loving life and having a hotter heyday* than you ever thought you could. Remember, the only thing stopping you from being hot is not knowing that you are. And you are! We promise.
How to Eat Like a HOT CHICK - by Jodi Lipper and Cerina Vincent