How to get bigger butt without surgery forums

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Originally Posted by nuberianne /img/forum/go_quote.gif I heard that lunges and squats with really heavy weight builds the butt. Thanks!
I out J.Lo. J.Lo. I have quite the bubble butt. If I lost my gut and kept my breasts and butt I'd look like I walked out of a comic book. Finding pants that FIT is an impossible task. Butt is one size, waist/hips are a good 1 or 2 sizes smaller. It's annoying. Even when I was a size 0 I had a serious bubble butt.

Although it seems to be everyones favorite body part. My boyfriend LOVES bragging about it and my male friends adore it.

Originally Posted by XkrissyX /img/forum/go_quote.gif Or you can ask me..and i can give you some of my butt. Its like JLO big. No worries I'm in the same situation!!

And I don't know about you but I really hate it!

I wish I had a bigger butt. I used to ride a pushbike reguarly and it made no difference for me.

i had a guy tell me i have european booty, none at the top but some ot the bottom, i will be trying your suggestions to build me a booty

See exercises are good way of increasing your breast but some women really don't have time to do the exercises in their busy schedule.....They just do it for time and than leave it so for those women some breast enhancements products are there which are available in the market....Many women are using this and they all got very effective results which they were not expecting at all...

So i will suggest you to try these creams or pills for breast enhancement...These are free from side-effects as it contains all natural ingredients...

Heavy weights and protein amongst other things year ago got

me my huge a$$! lol

Originally Posted by natassia83 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i had a guy tell me i have european booty, none at the top but some ot the bottom, i will be trying your suggestions to build me a booty
Girl, that is the way I was, too. smdh I was always teased that I had a white (no offense) girl booty by my siblings.

Sad but true. Now I don't hear all that! lol

If you want a bigger booty without it consisting mostly of fat, the best way is to hit the gym and do squats! The heavier the better, without sacrificing form and technique of course. However, bodybuilding is a very demanding lifestyle because i requires proper diet, training, time management, and commitment. For the casual person with a busy schedule, i would recommend just doing body weight leg workouts on your spare time and run interval sprints because more intensity equals more results. 

Please pardon the crazy seamstress lecture, but make sure your pants fit first! 

I'm not sure if there are particular commercial brands designed to leave room for more curve in the butt, but there's no sense trying to change the shape of your body if the problem is actually with your clothes.

I thought for a very long time that despite being a pear shape, I had a flat butt: wide, but without depth.  (When people talk about butt size I'm never entirely sure whether they mean butt size or hip width.  Usually it's hip width that people dislike, rather than what would accurately be butt size.)  Once I started sewing and altering patterns to actually fit, I realized that it wasn't my butt that was flat, it was just my pants that had been flat.  It uses less yardage to have straighter pattern pieces (which is why clothing manufacturers do it,) but at the expense of room for a butt.  Wearing properly cut pants, I've got more of a butt, but actually look thinner because when badly designed patterns flatten your butt, the mass has to go somewhere, so it tends to go out to the sides. 

I am actually using booty wow right not and it does make your butt bigger instantly but damn, permanent results are slowly appearing but just wish it was faster, but my buns look good with booty wow on, and no padding!!! lol


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