How to make your Own cream blush :) forums

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Jan 17, 2013
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Ok, so the basic ingredients you will need are: Mineral or Loose blush(es) Toothpick Little container to put your finished product in Primer or mosturizer (or both) Shimmer white eyeshadow (optional) First, put a small amount of blush into your container, perhaps, say 2 teaspoons (first we have to test our cream blush so dont use too much) Secondly, add a bit of mosturizer or primer into your blush and mix with toothpick. Keep mix and adding your primer or mosturiser until smooth and creamy and the desired consinstancy. Add your shimmer eyeshadow and mix (optional, for a shimmery blush) Done! This was done in hopes that i woudnt buy any more blushes.

I always love playing chemistry with my makeup but I haven't tried making cream blush yet. This is giving me ideas hehe.

I've made this before! I'm just horrible at applying cream blush... always end up with a clown face :/

Originally Posted by missxtinaaa /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I've made this before! I'm just horrible at applying cream blush... always end up with a clown face :/
Oh lord I'm glad I'm not the only one! I have about 3 cream blushes because I get them hoping I'll be able to "make it work" but it just ends up streaky and I find that it always enhances my large pores no matter how little I use :/

Oh lord I'm glad I'm not the only one! I have about 3 cream blushes because I get them hoping I'll be able to "make it work" but it just ends up streaky and I find that it always enhances my large pores no matter how little I use :/
That's what happens to me!! And it ends up WAYY to pink and it takes me forever to get off. Haha..I have two different ones and I'm sad I can't use them properly!

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