Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Hurricane Kartrina click here: http://images2.jokaroo.net/flash/foamyla.swf I've seen that.. it's great!! You also have to check out "tech Support" from that site... its hysterical!!
Originally Posted by redrocks I love Foamy! He is my lord and master! LOL (if you watch his cartoons enough, you know what that means)
Pillzee rocks too!
Check out the other Foamy toons if you want a laugh. They have a bunch listed on that site.
My boyfriend got me into this Neurotically Yours stuff a few months ago, and I've since become so addicted!
And, yeah, Pilzee's my guy's favorite. I do also like the little British one--mostly for his accent! *LOL*
It's a very funny series! Gotta' love Foamy