Hypothetical Situation of the Day [Sept 5th]

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Jan 3, 2006
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You're going about your business at the local mall when you notice someone running past you with a bag in his/her hand. A second later you hear a woman screaming "Stop that person, he/she stole my purse!!!"

What do you do?

go into the nearest store and tell someone to call the cops.. theres not much you can do if he has already ran past you

I'd be thankful I ran track in high school and I'd start sprinting if he was still close, if he was too far away I'd call the police.

I'd try to find a security guard.

I would look for a security guard too...You don't want to go after the person, they could have a weapon or something.

I would find a security guard or go into the nearest store. If that jerk was just running by me, I would probably trip him.

I would hope security would be on the job.I dont think I could take down a purse snatcher myself

i would love to think that i could tackle them and hold them down until someone with authority came and took them away. in reality i'd probably be on the sidelines watching and praying that the same thing didn't happen to me at some point.

Originally Posted by monniej /img/forum/go_quote.gif i would love to think that i could tackle them and hold them down until someone with authority came and took them away. in reality i'd probably be on the sidelines watching and praying that the same thing didn't happen to me at some point.
Ditto....I know we would all want to help, but in reality its not always a good idea. How safe is it to jump this guy ? And insticnts might kick in so quick.

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