I am just so clumsy !

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May 2, 2006
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really ! like today, the special knife (tested by my thumbs, good knife) we use to cut bread was in the dishwasher, so i pick a blade for the electric knife (masochist?) and when cutting a slice of bread, it meets my finger (what was it doing here?
). fortunately my nail stopped the blade so i'm happy i don't eat my nails anymore, but i cut myself pretty good.

last week i burnt my tongue and the roof of my mouth, forgetting something coming out of the microwave is HOT (FIY : in case that happens to you, drink slowly cold milk, it helps a lot-tested and approved).

and two weeks ago i burnt my left hand, nothing serious, but i had to put a bandage for the rest of day (to avoid leaving little amounts of cream everywhere).

not mentioning the mornings (i'm not a morning person) when half of the boiled water coming from the kettle goes everywhere but in my bowl >.<

i also let my mom use the oven, i kinda have the habit of taking molds with my bare hands in or out of the oven
(though i'm more careful about that now).

each time i have a new pair of shoes, i get blisters on my ankles not matter what i do, i even have two small scars because of this.

don't you just hate being clumsy sometimes ? i don't know, usually i'm careful enough to avoid cuts and burns, but lately... maybe i'm more lost in my thoughts than i usually am.

or maybe this is because i watched Mac Gyver on tv as a kid

but to reassure you, i have a good stock of bandages, surgical tape, elastic bandage, band aids of every size and type, creams, a full bottle of Betadine and a bottle of Dakin (great too!).

Sounds like something I would do. I am not quite that bad but I understand where your coming from. I tend not to be really that clumsy but more forgetfull. It doesnt help.

Its good to hear you ok though.

i'm always ok, Murphy's nice with me, lol.

but i have a friend, well, his parents must have a solid heart because there's always something happening to him, he went to the hospital several times, broke bones, etc... and his brother is just the same.

So years ago I climb this very difficult peak, in fact we were only the 35th and 36th people to summit this peak...I felt good and then on the return hike to the car I trip in the parking lot in front of my car and crack a tooth. I am just glad I fell in the parking lot and not on the mountain! Like you said, a good first aid kit with me at all times.

LOL... Sounds like you need to take a home safety class... Or call your government and they will come in and make you put up gards on all the sharp things... Lower the temperature of your water!! Lol. Make it so the only thing you can do is set in the dark and eat cold foods..

Originally Posted by Karren_Hutton /img/forum/go_quote.gif LOL... Sounds like you need to take a home safety class... Or call your government and they will come in and make you put up gards on all the sharp things... Lower the temperature of your water!! Lol. Make it so the only thing you can do is set in the dark and eat cold foods.. But then she would bump into walls.

My sister had the same problem. She was always hurting herself: falling UP stairs, closing the washing machine lid on her hand, tripping over her shoes and breaking her ankle. It got to a point where my parents wouldn't even let her in the kitchen. But, as she got older, she just kind of outgrew it...

Originally Posted by Faith-Abigail /img/forum/go_quote.gif But then she would bump into walls.
woops. guilty of that too, on mornings when i didn't have my bowl of tea to wake me up yet.
awww I know how you feel. A couple days ago I was cutting the bagel & went a little too far and cut my finger, right into the where the nail meets. It's just finally healing. We should wear thick gloves from now on when using sharp objects..lol.

if it makes you feel better, last week my friend jake keept ended up hurting himself.

like he burned his arm, and got brusies and cuts.

then one day me and him were hanging out and he left to go to work to come back and his hands looked like he got into a fight or something, they were just all cut up.

this is all because he works in a pizza place in the kitchen.

i feel bad for him but at the same time it amuses me as he makes fun of me and my crappy knees all the time.

I am only clumsy when I am on my period for some reason. My sister is the same way. Must be hereditary.

you know im not sure if im really accident prone, but i am always finding brusies or cuts/scrapes that i have no idea where i got them from.

its like they magically appear (like on, right now, my leg).

yeah im clumsy too sometimes. i make sure im concentrating when im using i knife now lol

im also clumsy. Especially things like leaving lids on when I try and drink out of bottles, or tripping over stuff I've left in stupid places... sigh

hope all your burns and marks getting better soon mags!


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