I had my face skin analyzed today

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Feb 1, 2006
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Today I was at Shoppers Drug Mart and they have a machine that analyzes your skin. The cosmetician waves a wand over your skin. On the computer screen you can see your skin, all the bumps, dots, waves etc. She looks at the screen while analyzing. Anyways she said my skin looked great, few blackheads and some dehydration in the cheek area. Otherwise she couldn't see any sun damage. I'm guessing this skin analyzing system is accurate.

I use to bake in the sun when I was younger but now I am careful. I still do get some color in the summer but I slather on the sunscreen, careful how much time I spend outdoors.

Cool! Good for you! I'd be afraid to see my face under one of those! lol... Although I'm alot better at taking care of my skin than I used to be. I use an SPF 30 moisturizer every day and a vitamin C serum under that every morning.

I've heard of Vitamin C serum before. How does it help the skin? Is it gentle on the skin because mine is sensitive? If you don't mind me asking, what brand do you use? Thanks!

No problem! I've been using SkinMedica. It's a little pricey, but I get it from SkinStore and they give discounts alot. It's lasted me a long time too. But, if the price becomes prohibitive, which it might, I'll probably see if I can find something a little cheaper. I haven't had any adverse reaction to it. It's an antioxidant and it helps even out your skin tone and reverse sun damage. It helps fight free radicals and fine lines, etc. It makes my skin feel really smooth and my overall complexion just looks better. hth

when I sold skin care they reps will come in a use the machine. I was to scared to see the turth about my skin!


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