I just got that awesome gift idea for a guy

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May 2, 2006
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it all started when my brother looked for a muffin recipe online sunday afternoon. we don't have muffin molds, and he only wants to use silicone ones, so instead he took my snowman silicone mold (lol, this one is not scary Shaundra

then he confessed he just loved silicone molds. you should have seen his eyes when holding my snowman... never saw my brother so in love with an object, especially kitchen related

i listened

so my christmas gift for my little brother this year will be muffin silicone molds ! yeaaaah ! mom thought this was a funny idea, she might buy other molds for him lol.

i can't wait to eat his muffins (what i'm not saying is he made a special for me, in a small mold i had, with chocolate chips ! and it was yummy

am i not a great sister ?

aww yay!! thats awesome.! if i got jeff muffin molds...wait...you might be on to something

I love silicone bakeware so I'm sure he'll love it too!!! I bet you are happy that you can check one more person off your list.

lol definately an awesome present! I love silcone moulds too! it's the squidgyness I like the best.

I think what I like most about your idea is that you listened to him and you know that it's something that he is really going to enjoy

my husband is a baker as well... he does the greatest cookies ever.. and he knows it (we are a very egotistical couple, hehehe- we just know we are so great)

oh- he has a secret ingredient he wont even tell me. but he has another- Madagascar bourbon vanilla.

isn't it funny the things you learn about guys???

Originally Posted by brewgrl /img/forum/go_quote.gif my husband is a baker as well... he does the greatest cookies ever.. and he knows it (we are a very egotistical couple, hehehe- we just know we are so great)oh- he has a secret ingredient he wont even tell me. but he has another- Madagascar bourbon vanilla.

isn't it funny the things you learn about guys???

lol ! my brother is also a bit secret about it, you almost have to leave the room while he's baking
ugh, boys and their toys, my brother told me i could buy him some stuff for his P-90 (airsoft ^^). i'm not sure it will come home in time, so i think i'll stick to my muffin molds, and i'll add also a collection of Morinaga Hi-Chew sweets, we love them and i know where i can get some ^^

Oh go ahead and get him an Aimpoint for his P-90. We have to deal with our inner boy as well as our inner girl

lol, actually he already has one from his M4 he's modifying (poor bro, he can't sleep much lately so he's spending his time modifying a number of things on his toy, he lost me at some point i just know it's gonna kick ass).

Awesome! I've been eyeing those silicone bake molds too. I want to get a set for my own kitchen.

Awww....that's sweet of you! And yum...you get baked goodies too!!

That's a nice idea
Just think of all the yummy treats he'll be baking up


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