I Need To Study!!!

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Dec 16, 2006
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I have a test on Monday over the first 4 chapters in my marketing class. I cannot concentrate to study. argh.......i have only read alittle more than 1/2 of chapter one. someone help me......

ok. go in the living room, put on some dvd, eat something. then when the movie's ended, go back to your room and study. i also like to make myself some tea when i'm working. work for a few hours, then take a break, and go back to study.

also, take notes or use highlight pens, whatever method you prefer, so if you wanna read again, you'll know what to memorize, and what is only a small detail. i also like to repeat out loud some key words or sentences.

I agree with Magosienne except study for a short periods of time, then watch tv or listen to music. Maybe you are taking to much in at once.

Unless you need your computer for studying, stay far away from it! I always sit next to my computer and I always find myself saying, "hm..I wonder what's new on MUT ..." and end up on here for the entire day. Maybe you can go to the library where there is nothing to distract you.
Good luck!

Originally Posted by aplsmash /img/forum/go_quote.gif Unless you need your computer for studying, stay far away from it! I always sit next to my computer and I always find myself saying, "hm..I wonder what's new on MUT ..." and end up on here for the entire day. Maybe you can go to the library where there is nothing to distract you.
Good luck! I think that its a great tip I'm going to try it too!

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