so the hub and i want to have a baby. does anyone know of any herbal/natural remedies that can promote fertility? would you suggest a change in diet? or does that stuff not really matter?
Originally Posted by ArtistryByErin /img/forum/go_quote.gif so the hub and i want to have a baby. does anyone know of any herbal/natural remedies that can promote fertility? would you suggest a change in diet? or does that stuff not really matter? Hello,
Welcome to MUT. Since you are planning to have a baby i think you might find some useful info at tcoyf
Toni Weschler is the author of the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility". It's an awesome book to invest it. Teaches you about your fertile period and charting to pinpoint your fertile days etc. BTW, on the website there is also the message board and you might also find that useful for tons of info. Ask your doctor about taking folic acid too which is very important for baby's development. Just try to relax and have fun
awww you girls are so nice and helpful! i dont wanna become one of those crazy women always taking her temp and turn sex into a chore for her man. so we've taken the approach of not preventing a pregnancy, and we are trying to do it like rabbits!! but i was curious if there were any herbal type things to help with fertility or if there are things i should avoid.
The best thing to promote pregnancy : relax and have fun in the process. Don't get worried every time your period approaches with the thought: am i preggers? am i? and what if i don't?
That's the most natural approach ever. A lot of women only get preggers after they give up trying - they stop stressing about it and then it happens.
Originally Posted by realmccoy /img/forum/go_quote.gif True story it will happen when your not thinking about it. I went off depo which can take up to a year, it only took a few months. i was on depo too lolit sucked cuz once i got off it i lost all the weight i gained (which was good weight it went in the right spots)