I would do anything to look like her (Pamela Anderson).

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Darla, I'm not really a fan of Pam's image, just her looks/personality. I do love Brigitte Bardot's image though.
She was so pretty & glam.

It's very true that the way you look affects the way some people treat you, & sometimes even how you act. My looks changed a lot in my early teens & I know that firsthand. I was very nerdy-looking. I definitely don't think I'm all that now, but I definitely experienced a vast improvement. It's kind of sad how some people treat you when you look a certain way.

definitely. i had bdd, and to be honest as a teenager, i was NOT good looking by any stretch of the imagination. Its such a strong word but i really was bordering on ugly. I just wanted to disappear and for nobody to notice me or look at me. Everyone in the school treated me like shit because I looked like shit, and that made me feel even worse. My school wasnt that big but nobody knew me. By the end of my 6th year everyone knew everyone and when we were doing the yearbook and they were writing lists of everyones names and something about them it was like :

Girl One: spent the year dancing, partying and making people laugh

Girl Two: spent the year flirting with the geography teacher

boy one: played a lot of football and slept around

mine actually said, "who?? does anyone know who this is?!" seriously lol. that was after 6 years and there were only 100 people in my year!

I remember someone saying to me in the canteen "oi you, turn round a minute" so i did and he said really loudly to his friends "if you had a face like that, wouldnt you teach your ass how to speak". kinda funny now, soooo painful then.

But when I left school, I got more into how I looked, started taking care of myself and made a few friends, dated a little bit, and it totally changed me (thank god cos i cringe about how shy i was back then!) I'm still only average looking at best but people reacted to me totally differently. and it was like people respected me more because I wasnt ugly. I remember how weird it was when I started going to clubs and guys would ask for my number or if they could buy me a drink lol. I used to think they were either being sarcastic or on drugs haha.

Thank you for sharing that, jakk-attakk! I can relate to what you've been through because I suffer from BDD too.

Pamela Anderson was once really pretty. Like ... a long time ago. I don't know what happened. I'm sorry, but she looks really bad now.

She has pretty features (her earlier days she was even more pretty!!).. I just dont find plastic beautiful...


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