If You Could Live in Another Era/Time..

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I would have def loved the roaring 20's or 50's.

I love the flapper style and the hair and the cute dresses of the 20's.

But the 50's I loved the pin up styles, or just getting to wear dresses everyday, I wish alot that I could wear a dress everyday and just get ready and cute just to sit at home and cook with a apron like I love lucy. Ahh I think i was born in the wrong era. lol

I would have liked to live in the era of Jane Austin. Seems like the lifestyle (rich and poor) was simplier, yet enjoyable. Folks took walks, read, wrote, did home theatre shows, and other amusing activities versus watching the tube.

Not to mention the clothing was flattering almost every body type...(for women that is)

I would want to be a teenager in the 80s because my hair was made to be poofy (I was in elementary school during the 80s so I couldn't take advantage of the awesome music and bad hair!) or live during the Victorian era because I think guys in their wigs and outfits were HOT! Am I a drag hag?

oh this is pretty hard.....i'd say maybe 1914,or 1944.

i love the late edwardian days,especially the fact that the tango was invented in that time era!

and then i love everything about the 1940's, the clothes,the hair,the make-up,the atmosphere!!!!!!!

I would love to have been a teenager in the 80's I loved Cyndi Lauper, I still do actually...nerdy as that might be. But I also like the look of women in the 50's like from the show mad men. So either the 50's or the 80's for me
