I'm Proud of me now...

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Jan 13, 2007
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Okay Okay I know this is cheesy and probably done before but name something you're proud of that you accomplished today...so like you took the trash out thursday and posted and friday you're happy you got up and did laundry.

I'm going through a period of self-discovry if you will where I'm finally content with myself and aware of what I need to work on. Personally, I don't think I appreciate myself enough and take the little accomplishments for granted. So I'll start first....

I'm proud that I

finally cleaned my room (scrubbed everything and stuff too)

did my laundry

studied my Ginormous art history book

created a plan for getting a new car & buying a house

I've kept my room tidy for almost 2 weeks
it's a small thing but it's a big achievement for me!

I got up and went to work. Its getting a bigger deal every day, cause i am really not happy in this job.

lol. I'm proud of you guys also! going to work when you hate your job is one of the hardest things to do in my opinion

I totaly agree working at a job that you hate it the worst. Been there and done that.

I am proud that I finally got to move from my former position to a new one in the company after of a year and and a half of pure pain. I am now happy at what I am doing.

i'm proud that my son finished college.

i'm proud that i started my own business.

well i emptied the dishwasher and put the dirty dishes in it.

a laundry is waiting for me so i'll do it, and my mom will be happy.

i bought some fresh bread as i promised.

i paid my rent. i havent killed my neighbors. im slowly learning to cook.

Well I'm proud that so far today I haven't eaten anything fattening!! (Yogart, apple sauce and some rasins). But I am getting hungry.. Lol

And I'm proud that I kind of figure out how to wire in the new home theater reciever after the old one died Saturday... At least we have sound again..

This is has been a really good day for me also:

I'm proud that I've:

washed the sheets/pillowcases/comforters and remade the bed,

cleaned the bathrooms,

cleaned the kitchen and washed all the dishes,

finished two loads of laundry,

dusted the livingroom and bedroom,

cooked lunch (shrimp and red peppers in garlic alfredo sauce),

wrote a blog,

and scheduled an acting audtion.

I still have a lot more on my to-do-list but I'm hoping I'll get it all finished.

I'm proud of myself today for working on my Ph.D. although my head hurt like mad and felt like it was going to explode any minute.

I talked to more people than usual in my classes. I have a partner for one of my projects now that I had to do solo otherwise. I am going to do all my homework! (havent but I will)

Well, yesterday I cleaned and straightened the house before my wife came back from her trip. I always do tha so she won't come back to a messy house.

I am proud that I was actually on time for work today! Yay!!! Im usually real late. hehe.

I am also proud the test I took today for my Soc 466 class, I really thought I was going to such because I didn't study, but I think I did good

I am proud that I finally got a decent job after 10 months of looking and 18 (too many) interviews!

I'm proud 'cause every one of you is helping me see the value of stopping to feel good about oneself

today....i finally found liquid eyeliner in the color i'm looking for its L'oreal and its like a deep brown...you'll see a FOTD from me soon

and i got my hair done....it's PURPLE lol i'll post pics halloween

I am proud that i have found a way to juggle school and having a boyfriend.

I am also proud that I am actually thinking of quitting smoking. Actually devised a plan and everything.


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