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Apr 6, 2005
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Do you think is is possible for your hair to become sort of "immune" etc, to shampoo and conditioner?? Like should you switch it up every so often. If you find a really good product does it eventually quit working as well with prolonged use?? Probably stupid question

Originally Posted by wvpumpkin Do you think is is possible for your hair to become sort of "immune" etc, to shampoo and conditioner?? Like should you switch it up every so often. If you find a really good product does it eventually quit working as well with prolonged use?? Probably stupid question
It seems like that sometimes doesn't it?? LOL Actually your hair probably just has some residual build-up... you might want to usea clarifying shampoo every so often - so when you go back to your favorite, it'll seem 'new' again
(But I always like trying new products, so if you want to experiment, by all means!)
Yes- I think every one goes thru that! Usually use my fav until I can tell my hair is getting tired of one. I have a couple different shampoos in my shower switch off every couple of days.

Neutogena has a amazing clarifying shampoo. It makes your hair happy again!

Originally Posted by wvpumpkin Do you think is is possible for your hair to become sort of "immune" etc, to shampoo and conditioner?? Like should you switch it up every so often. If you find a really good product does it eventually quit working as well with prolonged use?? Probably stupid question
Someone told me before that you should change your shampoos every 3 or 4 months. Find 4 you love and switch between them so your hair doesnt become immune to it. That's what i do now plus i use a clarifying shampoo once a week.

i find that with my hair too, think its just the build up of the same product, i switch my shampoo about twice a week.

I used to find that my hair became immune to most shampoos after a couple of weeks. However, my hair is becoming increasingly stubborn and I have to stick with the same brands - Herbal Essences, Dove and Sunsilk else the shampoo residue builds up in my hair. Clarifying shampoo's are awesome though! A must have in my book

Originally Posted by butterflyblue Neutogena has a amazing clarifying shampoo. It makes your hair happy again!
that's what i use and LOVE it. my hair's literally squeaky clean when my hands run through it.

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