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Jan 29, 2013
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Hey there! I'm Carly, just joined, aspiring to be a makeup artist after I get my 4 years of college knocked out and after I become a licensed cosmetologist!

While I know that there are just oodles of people aspiring to be makeup artists, I think what sets me apart from others is that I am not a Michelle Phan wannabe, I have no interest in having a youtube channel and becoming "internet famous" or anything, and that I honestly don't know if I'm all that great at anything else, plus I never get sick of makeup! I can't remember the last time where I've been like "No, I don't feel like doing makeup today.". No, that never happens haha! I haven't figured out which branch of makeup artistry I want to pursue, I want to find out what I'm best at and go from there! I'll easily admit that while I may be fortunate enough able to work many styles and looks with makeup, I am far from an expert or "artist" or anything. I do it because it's fun and looks nice, and practice makes better, right?

But before I become a makeup artist, I want to improve myself. Physically. I am losing weight right now, I am fighting off some acne, and broadening my makeup collection, and trying to learn tips and secrets to being naturally beautiful while also expanding my knowledge of makeup. I figure the years before I actually try to make a career out of it are probably the best to get my bearings and get my act together and gather some basic knowledge and skills down so that I at least have SOMETHING to work with. Some preparedness is great to have!

Which leads me to this site. This site will give me access to tips, tricks, brands, products, and insight that I normally wouldn't have. Whether it is something for myself or just food for thought in the future. I don't know exactly what I'm looking for from this site, but I do know that I would love some guidance, some friendship, something along that vein? I'm young, I'm vivacious, I'm eager to learn!

And even if my dreams about becoming a makeup artist don't pan out, I'll have obtained a great deal of knowledge and I will most likely look fabulous, and it will be all thanks to this site and the people who I've met through it!

Hello Neonapple! I am new to MUT too - but have found it a great place to find lots of vauluble information. Congratulations on going to school (college AND cosmetology school) to become a makeup artist! I think that is very impressive. I wish you all the luck. I am sure I will see you around on MUT. - Jen

Welcome to Makeup Talk Carly.
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