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Sep 27, 2003
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Irish butter is the best! I've been using organic butter for years now and just recently switched to Kerrygold butter after teasting it and reading about it. It's so good and creamy. Click here for more info. The cows are not fed any hormones. Our whole family switched to organic butter from margarine years ago because margarines have hydrogenated fats which are the worst thing you can have. Heart surgeons have been using butter for years themselves. It's said to be way healthier than any margarine. I was still worried about using butter because it's been drilled to our heads that butter it's bad but when I had my cholestrol checked I wasn't going to go back to using margarine again. My cholestrol readings were excellent after using organic butter.

I will have to try the Kerrygold. I've been using Breakstone's butter for years and I really like that one.

Margerine is like eating a giant oil slick.
It leaves a film in my mouth and it just tastes nasty to me too. I guess that was my body's way of telling me to stay away. It's not good for you! LOL

Ah, i didnt know Kerrygold was available in the US! That's what we've used at home all our lives.. Glad to hear you like it Reija

I thought everyone used butter.. Do people actually use margarine instead of it??

Breakstone is bought in my house as well. As for Margarine...i only use it for cooking sometimes if recipes call for it. But i will definately check out the Kerrygold. Thanks for the info.
I never believed any of the hype they were trying to feed everyone about not using butter...I figured if it was good enough hundreds of years ago for the farmers to make themselves and use in food, why can't we?

I don't like using any ingredients in my food that have chemicals or things I can't pronounce, so I never used margarine. I only use real butter(usually Plugra) or else I use pure virgin coconut oil.

I've never seen Kerrygold, I'll give it a try if I come across it though.

I have recently changed to as much Organic food as i can afford.I especially buy Organic milk,dairy etc as i don;t like the idea of ingesting hormones and steroids that animals are sadly fed.I think Organic food is so much tastier and healthier and actually more satisfying than the rubbish in supermarkets.It's worth the extra money as your body does need and deserve the best nutricion espeically for children and as you are getting older.

Is Irish butter different from French butter? When I go to Europe, I always bring back some French butter for my mother. You can totally taste the difference. Gosh, how much I love butter (that's bad I know I know

Originally Posted by Reija(admin) Irish butter is the best! I've been using organic butter for years now and just recently switched to Kerrygold butter after teasting it and reading about it. It's so good and creamy. Click here for more info. The cows are not fed any hormones. Our whole family switched to organic butter from margarine years ago because margarines have hydrogenated fats which are the worst thing you can have. Heart surgeons have been using butter for years themselves. It's said to be way healthier than any margarine. I was still worried about using butter because it's been drilled to our heads that butter it's bad but when I had my cholestrol checked I wasn't going to go back to using margarine again. My cholestrol readings were excellent after using organic butter. Reija, this is good news. I also only use butter, and my kids are butter-fanatics. I'd love to try Kerrygold..can I get it at my local grocery store, you think? Or do I have to go to a store like Whole Foods?
Thanks for sharing.


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