Is it bad to sleep with wet hair? forums

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-does the n00b dance- [-points to post count-.. haha i'm new too ;p]

yeah, damp hair.. I doubt anyone CAN go to be with dripping wet hair. Like I think it should be sufficiently dry by towelling it off a bit and waiting a couple of minutes before going to bed.

My hair will stay damp in areas if I leave it up wet all day too.... usually whatever is not exposed to air. Same thing goes for your clothes... if you got a shirt in a knot - the outside parts will dry, but the parts that are knotted wont. It's not really BAD per say... but always having it up can lead to breakage. Especially putting it up wet. Since we all know that there are just days when you really have no choice, just be sure to condition a little more, to keep the hair from snagging

I've been going to sleep w/ damp hair for over a year and my hair is in so much better shape now than's smoother, shinier, and a lot easier to manage in the morning.

I forgot to mention in the other post that now I sleep w/ a towel on top of the pillow. For one thing, it feels better not sleeping on a wet pillow and also I didn't want to think that maybe I was making it easier to make more dust mites in a pillow!

I think its´really uncomfortable to sleep with wet or damp hair. The pillow (and or towel) gets all wet and hot and it all just makes me feel hot and sweathy. And for some reason my hair don´t really dry over night (strange since it don´t take that long time to airdry and I have thin hair), and it makes it oily when it dries that slow.

Don´t know if its bad thou, maybe if you do it often and the hair is really wet.


Originally Posted by dancar3 I've been going to sleep w/ damp hair for over a year and my hair is in so much better shape now than's smoother, shinier, and a lot easier to manage in the morning. The main reason usually for that is that your hair has time to dry a bit on its own before blasting it with a dryer or iron. Plus, being you don't move much if you're sleeping, and your hair isn't exposed to air and the elements, it tends not to frizz as much as if you were to just air dry and go about your day.
I can understand why then it would be like that. I've tried blowdrying with certain creams and gels that are supposed to smooth down the hair but the only way for me is to either sleep on it or go my hairdresser......but that's more expensive than the alternative.

Originally Posted by dancar3 I can understand why then it would be like that. I've tried blowdrying with certain creams and gels that are supposed to smooth down the hair but the only way for me is to either sleep on it or go my hairdresser......but that's more expensive than the alternative.
It's all about the roots
Depending how they dry... is how your hair will dry. So you can put anything on the ends.... but unless the roots are dried smooth (like when you let them dry overnight) it'll just frizz up again at the first sign of humidity
I once knew a 5 year oldlittle girl who's mother would wash her hair, braid it, and put her to bed at night...and her hair smelled like mildew! I was so shocked, I never knew hair could mildew!

The girl had waist length, thick hair, but still, I felt so bad for her.

Originally Posted by moonlightmysts I once knew a 5 year oldlittle girl who's mother would wash her hair, braid it, and put her to bed at night...and her hair smelled like mildew! I was so shocked, I never knew hair could mildew!
The girl had waist length, thick hair, but still, I felt so bad for her.

Well, that's generally from bacterias and spores and the environment she's in too.... but I guess anything can happen? lol
Originally Posted by moonlightmysts I once knew a 5 year oldlittle girl who's mother would wash her hair, braid it, and put her to bed at night...and her hair smelled like mildew! I was so shocked, I never knew hair could mildew!
The girl had waist length, thick hair, but still, I felt so bad for her.

poor girl!
when i sleep with my hair wet i put a satin cap/scarf over it.............i too have curly hair and love mine as well. i sleep with the satin cap/scarf because it keeps my hair from snagging or tearing while sleeping.

you might try a sleep bonnet or a satin scarf. my hair is pretty fragil and i sleep with a satin scarf at night. most african american women are taught to tie our hair up at night to prevent breakage. works well for me if i sleep with my hair wet or dry.

I always shower and wash my hair at night so my hair is a little damp when I go to sleep. I usually take a shower earlier in the night so it is almost dry when I go to sleep. Since I have wavy hair this works great for me because I don't blowdry my hair. By the morning my hair is dry with nice waves and no frizz. I also use gel on my hair at night and all of the tossing and turning I do in my sleep gets rid of any crunch from the gel. I also sleep on a satin pillowcase.

i love to take showers in the morning. then, i blow dry my hair and its volumizing. but, if i skip a morning, because i slept in, i'll take a shower that night. then, i cant blow dry it because, people are sleeping. my only choice to to sleep with wet hair. i wake up with a bad hair day! my hair flat on one side. it drives me nuts! but, there shouldnt be anything wrong with sleeping with wet hair except, maybe a bad hair day a head of you!

Originally Posted by breathless i love to take showers in the morning. then, i blow dry my hair and its volumizing. but, if i skip a morning, because i slept in, i'll take a shower that night. then, i cant blow dry it because, people are sleeping. my only choice to to sleep with wet hair. i wake up with a bad hair day! my hair flat on one side. it drives me nuts! but, there shouldnt be anything wrong with sleeping with wet hair except, maybe a bad hair day a head of you! Comb hair up into a high ponytail... it should help with the volume, and the taut sides should end that 'one flat side' problem.. just don't make it too tight, you don't want breakage, or a headache

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