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Jan 10, 2007
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The air is full of pollen, which means me digging in my eyes and sneezing well over 60 times a day, so guess what.....NO MAKEUP FOR ME!!!

My no buy officially begins on all makeup but wait! There's more!! We have finally got started on buying a house, which means that we are gonna be paying off bills and BS like that, so even when the pollen calms down, I still cant buy anything new
Someone hold my hand? Join me in my no buy misery?
I am gonna have a nervous breakdown.....

I love ya Aprill!!! This is the constant struggle I am always in- i think pollen brought on my nose bleeding at the gym last night. and weare constantly fighting bills.

Allergy season it's all about me and good lip balms since my lips tend to feel like crappola.

you'll live through it! I have a good feeling...

I wanna go on a no-buy after i buy me some heatherette online right now! I'm just deciding what to get and then I'll start the no-buy.

Aw, Aprill. In a couple of months I'll be feeling your pain. It's not the pollen that gets me, I have hay fever. You'll be fine, eventually

I'll go on a makeup no buy with you. Since I'm not working, it's only the right thing to do.

unless, of course, husband is with me and tells me it's okay

I have a cherryculture haul coming in and half to get just 1 or 2 little things, Another mascara, a pressed powder, and a foundation and then after that I am done, a no buy for adleast 3 months ! Adleast. lol. for make-up that is..but I need some spring summery clothes pretty soon so thats a must, but not overboard lol. My sinuses run WILD in the spring and I always look horrid. so Im going to be on the lookout for some allergy meds lol

Girl, I feel your pain! I have been on a no-buy for the last few months and it SUCKS royally! We are also in the process of buying a house, which means all that extra $$ went to pay off debt, blah blah blah. It is painful, actually physically painful, to walk through a store and not buy what I wanted because I am not spending $$. When I get in my house, and I start a new job, I am going to go on a shopping spree and treat myself. Right now we are on a budget so tight that my checkbook is screaming to be used more!!! This is so sad.

I will hold your hand if you will hold mine!

oh, i have allergies too! you definately not alone. the constant snotty nose & sneezing!! it's not too much fun. my pills kinda help but not as much as i'd like. i'm on no buy too, which sucks ass!!!! i try to avoid stores, and keep my browsing to just online. i've even made a wish list of stuff i'm gonna buy when i'm off of it. it keeps me motivated, like, oneday i'll have that. lol it helps me .

oh well not good, but i though you were going to say tax time UGGH

i hear ya Aprill !!! guess what ? just this morning i woke up with swollen lids
no contacts, just my glasses, and no makeup for me either. and another doctor appointment for antihistaminics. and spring is supposed to be my favorite season !!

I feel ya girl! Pollen's headed our way too, and we live in an allergy capital! I've been on a no-buy all month, and haven't even had to bite my nails over it! You can do it if I can!

I understand the pollens are bad over there, my brother in laws sister lives with her husband in Seattle and she actually comes home to Australia to live for 3 or 4 months of every year to avoid the pollens as she gets terribly affected.

for me it's ebay. I buy a whole lot of stuff on there that I wouldn't buy in real life. I need to ban myself. LOL.

Best of luck for you no buy. I can't even be bothered, I'm such a lame-o, I know I'd break it in the first week. Or I'd find something that wasn't on the no-buy. I'm incapable!

hope your pollen-yness goes away really soon too.


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