Jessica Gets Ribbed Over Tony Romo's Bad Day forums

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Feb 12, 2005
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Sports fans are a notoriously superstitious lot, and down in Dallas, they're beginning to wonder if bad luck has arrived in the form of a certain blonde movie star.

With Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo struggling on Sunday in a loss to Philadelphia, some die-hards are casting a wary eye at Jessica Simpson, who watched the game from a luxury box in a pink No. 9 jersey.

"Is Jessica Simpson the football version of Memo Paris, the blonde bombshell who was kryptonite to Roy Hobbs' Wonderboy in The Natural?" wondered The 'Boys Blog, a top Cowboys fan site, in a post after Sunday's 10-6 loss.

The post continued: "Everybody's due a bad day at the office, but if Romo plays like this next week, Jessica Simpson will become the most hated celebrity significant other since Yoko Ono."

Tim Cowlishaw, a columnist for The Dallas Morning News, was more inclined to give the 27-year-old actress a pass.

The subpar performance by Romo, also 27, "probably had more to do with the right thumb that was heavily bandaged after the game than it did that Jessica Simpson was on hand to watch her hero," Cowlishaw wrote.

"What's wrong with Tony Romo?" asked the Austin American-Statesman. "Was it his hurt thumb? Jessica Simpson's distracting appearance at Texas Stadium? Just a minor glitch in an otherwise-fantastic season?"

A source close to Simpson calls the idea of blaming the singer for her beau's off game "ridiculous," adding, "He played a great game on Thanksgiving and she was there."

Simpson won't be able to cheer for Romo at Texas Stadium again at least until the playoffs. The Cowboys, who are 12-2, play their final two games of the regular season on the road.

Riiiight. So instead of blaming the person on the field who was actually touching the ball, people wanna blame the confused woman in the box who probably kept asking 'What inning is this?'

Love how people point their finger at anyone they can, poor Jess, she just wanted to see her man play, now she's being compared to Yoko Ono, what is that : [


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