Oh my gosh.. you do so much for MuT. So thank YOU! About the kitty, my cat had a cold like that too. They will give you some nose drops if it is a cold. It goes away in a few days with the drops. I hope that's what it is. Either that or she has something in her nose?
If she goes outside at all, either scenario is probable!
De-stress. Enjoy. Take care of biz, do what ya like.
Originally Posted by
Kage_sCupotea Awwww.....Cali, you made my day! Thank you sooo much! You have no idea what this means to me.
I'm a wee bit stressed because of several things, most importantly being that my poor kitty is sneezing a lot. I did some research about kitty colds, and I think we may take him to the vet just to get him checked out. I feel so bad for him, sniffling and sneezing. Poor guy!
I love you, Cali girl - thanks for being such an awesome friend! *hugs*