Ladies, how often do you clean your brushes? forums

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May 17, 2007
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I've did a quick search on this forum and couldn't find a similar thread for mmu users so I decided to start a new one.

How often do you girls clean your brushes for mmu? I think I must be the laziest mmu user on this forum cos I've been using mmu for over a year and I barely remember cleaning the brushes twice. lol! I must start cleaning them more often as I think they began causing my skin to break out. yike! So how often should I clean them? I use them daily, and the only ones I use to apply my mmu are the kabuki brush, flat top, and blush brush. I saw some girls mentioned in the other threads that they clean their brushes everday but then I don't want to damage the bristles by washing them too often. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance!

I clean my brushes once a week or if I'm lazy once every two weeks. I use makeup brush cleanser and if I run out of it I use isopropanol, which is even better and it's cheap and doesn't hurt my brushes.

Before I cleaned them with the water and gentle soap but it took them too long to dry. I still use water and soap to clean them but I use this method less often. The brush cleaner is faster, and if you wash your brushes in the morning they are ready to use in the afternoon. (I'm talking only about the kabuki and flat tops, while the eyeshadow brushes are ready to use five minutes after cleaning).

I wash my brushes once a week, but I think I may cut down on the washing after I find my HG foundation.

So far I am still sampling, and I use one foundation for one week clean the brush and use an other foundation for a week.

Some formula breaks me out, so it is important cleaning the brush when I switch formula. This way I do not mistaken about which one cause breakouts and which one doesn't.

After I find my perfect formula probably I go down to once a month.

However the other brushes I probably will try to keep up with the weekly wash, so the colors won't mix.

i wash mine about weekly now, more if i've done another face with my brushes =p

I wash my brushes every use. I have a few kabukies so I wash them allmost everyday.. if I dont have time I wash with alcohol..

I wash mine once a week, on sarturday afternoon usually as sunday is no-makeup day for me and it takes a loooooong time for the kabuki to dry

It depends but I use mac brush cleaner alot. I probably wash all my brushes once a week.

About once every couple of weeks. I know it should be more. Thanks for lighting a fire under my butt!

I clean my eye shadow brushes after every time I use them (I don't wear makeup every day though) as I use brighter coloured pigments, usually applied damp. I've found they can stain my brush if I don't wash it right out. And my blusher and kabuki is as often as I remember

Originally Posted by simisimi100 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I wash my brushes every use. I have a few kabukies so I wash them allmost everyday.. if I dont have time I wash with alcohol.. Everyday?!! Wow, I'm impressed. I've gone from washing them every few months to lately every few weeks. I would like to wash them once a week though... I think my skin is less irritated when I clean my brushes more often. I'll see if I can stick with it.
I just use my Jason Rosewater and Glycerine Satin Soap. And I shake them out really hard so even my kabukis dry in less than a day.

I clean them once a week with a shampoo and conditioner in one. I have a bajillion brushes (all my kabukis, flat tops, blush and eyeshadow brushes together), so everytime I wash them is always a ritual. I use a disposable cup with water and shampoo in it then I swirl my brushes in it and rinse them thoroughly. I dry them on a clean towel on my dresser with heads dangling from the edge.

Question regarding brush cleaning:

I've recently changed over completely to synthetic brushes, and it seems my synthetic kabuki takes about three times as long to dry as my natural hair one... Any reasons why?

I clean my brushes like this: I wet them with lukewarm water, squeeze, then lather a teeny amount of baby shampoo in my hand, lather the brush hair, rinse, squeeze and shake, repeat with the rinsing till water is clear and there's no shampoo left in between brush hair. Then I squeeze and shake the brush out and wipe the brush on a soft towel, and then I lie them down to dry after reshaping them. Now, with the natural hair brush it takes about half a day to be completely dry, with the synthetic about a day and a half... Why?

Originally Posted by mk12 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Everyday?!! Wow, I'm impressed. I've gone from washing them every few months to lately every few weeks. I would like to wash them once a week though... I think my skin is less irritated when I clean my brushes more often. I'll see if I can stick with it.
I just use my Jason Rosewater and Glycerine Satin Soap. And I shake them out really hard so even my kabukis dry in less than a day.

yes allmost everyday.. I like the smail of the clean.. !how are you??

Originally Posted by mimosa23 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Question regarding brush cleaning:
I've recently changed over completely to synthetic brushes, and it seems my synthetic kabuki takes about three times as long to dry as my natural hair one... Any reasons why?

I've noticed the same thing. With natural hair brushes I could wash the brush in the evening and it was ready to use the next day. It doesn't work that way with the synthetic brushes. I takes them about full 24 hours to dry.
That's why I'm using brush cleaner to clean them, or the isopropanol. It takes them only few hours to dry. However I still have a problem with my Lumiere long handled kabuki which seems to be a bit greasy no matter how I was it. I do not have clue.

Originally Posted by agatapas /img/forum/go_quote.gif That's why I'm using brush cleaner to clean them, or the isopropanol. It takes them only few hours to dry. However I still have a problem with my Lumiere long handled kabuki which seems to be a bit greasy no matter how I was it. I do not have clue. Which brush cleaner do you use, and how often do you use it on your brushes?Thanks!


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