Let's Get Fit Together!

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... And I have a birthday tonight at Cheesecake Factory, dangerous! I'm planning on eating beforehand and just getting drinks. I refuse to order cheesecake, even though I will be sorely tempted. :D
I've only been to CCF once and ordered a cake to go... but I remember seeing some amazing salads there!!!
I went hiking on Saturday.

Today, I went to the gym. I did 10 minutes of recumbent biking while waiting for a class to start. Then I did the spin/pilates class. The spin portion really kicked my butt. I sweat so much. Then I finished it off with weight machines. And then I topped THAT off with a 600 calorie burrito.

I can fit into at least one pair of my old sized jeans!! I didn't have anything else to wear for my class tonight, so I dug into my "too fat/probably going to sell or donate" bag to see if the gym has made any difference. By summer I should definitely be able to wear all of my shorts!

One of these days I'm going to restart C25K..

congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sounds like you've been doing an awesome job :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I can fit into at least one pair of my old sized jeans!! I didn't have anything else to wear for my class tonight, so I dug into my "too fat/probably going to sell or donate" bag to see if the gym has made any difference. By summer I should definitely be able to wear all of my shorts!

One of these days I'm going to restart C25K..

Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I can fit into at least one pair of my old sized jeans!! I didn't have anything else to wear for my class tonight, so I dug into my "too fat/probably going to sell or donate" bag to see if the gym has made any difference. By summer I should definitely be able to wear all of my shorts!

One of these days I'm going to restart C25K..

Yay!!  Go you!!

This week has been so hectic, I have not had a chance to go running at all. But I had such a great practice on Sunday and Tuesday that I think that almost made up for it.

Thanks guys!

I might be hitting a bump though. I have to go back for jury duty today and possibly tomorrow to see if they're going to select me for a 5 week trial. It's all week too, so I don't know when I'd be able to go to the gym, other than the weekend. I need 12 more points (either hours or each class = 1 point) to get an A in this fitness class thing.

Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Thanks guys!

I might be hitting a bump though. I have to go back for jury duty today and possibly tomorrow to see if they're going to select me for a 5 week trial. It's all week too, so I don't know when I'd be able to go to the gym, other than the weekend. I need 12 more points (either hours or each class = 1 point) to get an A in this fitness class thing.

Ugh, I just got a jury summons too. Five weeks, that's intense! I won't mind if I have to do a short trial since my employer will pay up to two weeks, but I could not handle five. It is going to throw me off my game as well; if I get chosen then that means I will be juggling work, my accounting class, studying for the gmat, job hunting, AND consistent exercise.

Yoga kicked my butt last night, my muscles were shaking like crazy, which hasn't happened in a long time! I slept hard last night. I survived cheesecake factory and have been eating well. I am doing my best to incorporate two servings of vegetables a day. The last few days it has been a green apple coleslaw with light dressing. I'm happy to stay my weight didn't go up in spite of my Easter debacle - - I consider no weight change this week a win!

I wore another pair of pants that I was previously too big for yesterday to jury duty. Hooray!

I also got dismissed at 5:10 pm yesterday, finally. I wasn't allowed to watch/read news or talk to anybody about the trial besides the schedule to protect me from hearing anything that might sway my vote.. but now I can. As soon as we got dismissed, a bunch of people googled the case and found out it's related to a big, very bad story that was in the news.


I went on a few random jogs last week but don't really know how much I did or how much that helped b/c I didn't have my podcasts w/ me :/

I will be starting week 2 tomorrow (it should've been week 2 last week) and report back how that goes :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Good news: According to my Fitbit, I average about 3k steps a day (except on Sun and Tues, which is fighter practice/dance practice, then it is more like 10k). Sat - Tues of this week, I hit well over 25k steps taken. Of course I was moving apartments but it was kind of cool to see my step count just rocket. It's motivated me to bump my step count to 5k a day.

Bad news: I've been having issues with back pain and joint pain so I went to see a chiropractor I trust. Turns out, I am really out of alignment. I couldn't pass the heel to toe test with my eyes closed, I would simply fall over. Also, the Dr did the reflex test on my knees and elbows; only one knee registered anything, which is very Not Good. And as if that were not enough, I can lean forward no problem, I can lean to either side no problem. Leaning to the back or back and to the side, major pain.

So needless to say, it's time to start getting adjusted again. I knew it was coming. I've been going to a chiropractor for a long time due to a car accident I was in back in HS but due to a variety of reasons, I quit going a few years back. 

The overall bad thing is I am no longer allowed to run for the time being. It's not helping the situation and if anything, it is making it worse.

Such is my life. :/

*sigh* between taxes, little girl birthday parties, dealing with "fraudulent activities" on my account, a blown engine, and B.I.L0 in the hospital - it's a miracle I didn't cling to the refrigerator all weekend long.

I did do some damage tho, but I'm back on track.  Never did hit ketosis and never did start insanity...  oh well.  BUT, I did run yesterday and today and I have my first race coming up on the 29th.  I just have to remind myself to take it one day at a time and to not overwhelm myself.  The little bit I do is better then not doing anything at all!

how exciting :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> good luck on your race!!! when you posted that link for races i'm wanting to join more and more. i really wanna start with a 5k.

Originally Posted by DreamWarrior /img/forum/go_quote.gif

*sigh* between taxes, little girl birthday parties, dealing with "fraudulent activities" on my account, a blown engine, and B.I.L0 in the hospital - it's a miracle I didn't cling to the refrigerator all weekend long.

I did do some damage tho, but I'm back on track.  Never did hit ketosis and never did start insanity...  oh well.  BUT, I did run yesterday and today and I have my first race coming up on the 29th.  I just have to remind myself to take it one day at a time and to not overwhelm myself.  The little bit I do is better then not doing anything at all!

Awww... You've been doing awesome tho!! Especially 25k steps in a day?! That's really good :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by Pancua /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Good news: According to my Fitbit, I average about 3k steps a day (except on Sun and Tues, which is fighter practice/dance practice, then it is more like 10k). Sat - Tues of this week, I hit well over 25k steps taken. Of course I was moving apartments but it was kind of cool to see my step count just rocket. It's motivated me to bump my step count to 5k a day.

Bad news: I've been having issues with back pain and joint pain so I went to see a chiropractor I trust. Turns out, I am really out of alignment. I couldn't pass the heel to toe test with my eyes closed, I would simply fall over. Also, the Dr did the reflex test on my knees and elbows; only one knee registered anything, which is very Not Good. And as if that were not enough, I can lean forward no problem, I can lean to either side no problem. Leaning to the back or back and to the side, major pain.

So needless to say, it's time to start getting adjusted again. I knew it was coming. I've been going to a chiropractor for a long time due to a car accident I was in back in HS but due to a variety of reasons, I quit going a few years back. 

The overall bad thing is I am no longer allowed to run for the time being. It's not helping the situation and if anything, it is making it worse.

Such is my life. :/

this morning was my 2nd day of C25K. I'm not as sore, which I am very grateful for :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Last weekend I dusted off the treadmill and I am so much more comfortable using that rather than going to the gym. I feel like I can breathe as heavily as I like without being judged lol. And trust me I breathe extremely heavy. hahaha One thing that I need to improve on is when I feel like quitting I tend to hang on to the handrails on the treadmill

So glad to hear that everyone is staying active. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

@icecreamofwheat - Thank you! This is my go-to avatar. Bunnies!! The cuteness!!

@pancua - I am so sorry to hear that. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Are you able to do cardio activities that are low impact? If so, cycling or swimming could be good substitutes until you can run again.

@dreamwarrior - You are so right on with your thinking. Life happens, it's all about managing it the best you can and getting back on track right away.]

Life has been crazy but I am staying on track. I caught strep last week! Luckily I had antibiotics on hand and went to the doctor right away. I knew it could be an excuse to not be active, but I didn't succumb. It wasn't an awesome workout week but I did go to two yoga classes and a nice hike with the BF on Saturday. I fared better on the hike than I expected!

Hey everyone!

How is everyone doing? I have been swimming in boxes but I am finally down to the last 10 or so! Lots of walking going on, let me tell you. LOL

yay! no running for you, but lots of moving boxes and walking. cardio and weights lol. this morning i didn't do day 3. i slept late last night and couldn't wake up early enough.

Originally Posted by Pancua /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hey everyone!

How is everyone doing? I have been swimming in boxes but I am finally down to the last 10 or so! Lots of walking going on, let me tell you. LOL

Originally Posted by aleeeshuh /img/forum/go_quote.gif

yay! no running for you, but lots of moving boxes and walking. cardio and weights lol. this morning i didn't do day 3. i slept late last night and couldn't wake up early enough.
LOTS of moving boxes. My arms hurt! LOL Now that my house is in order, I am hoping to start doing my wii yoga again starting on Monday. 

Was kinda hard to do that before now.

Yesterday, was the last day of week 1! I can't believe I completed it. I know that it's not that big of an accomplishment, but for me it is! lol. Tomorrow I start day 1 of week 2 :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Excited, but don't know how I'll do


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