Lip Factory vs Wantable ~ any suggestions? forums

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Nov 1, 2012
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I'm in a total quandry ~ I signed up for Lip Factory j--u-u-u-s-t before I saw Wantable and although my first box with Lip Factory was okay, I'm seriously considering switching over to Wantable. I just really need someone to push me off the crazy-fence to do it.

What I like about Lip Factory is that it's totally a surprise. I'm still new to "serious" makeup (meaning, anything other than a little drugstore concealer and mascara) and the whole surprise thing gets me out of my comfort zone and my insane "which-do-I-choose?" groove.

(Seriously, I'll wander the aisles in Ulta, looking like a zombie apocalypse survivor until some kindly store associate tackles me and puts me out of my misery.

But Wantable seems to have bigger and more diverse brands. Which mama likes. You also seem to get MORE each box ~ which mama also likes. I just don't know if I can be "trusted" to take the little quizzie thing and give good answers. I swear, I took a quiz the other day and couldn't even frickin' figure out if I'm "cool tone," "warm tone," or "neutral tone." The last time anyone used "tone" to describe me, it was "tone deaf." o_O

*sigh* Any ideas? Suggestions? Commiseration? :/

I got both Wantable and Lip Factory this month and I think it just depends what suits you best.  They were both pretty great this month, but obviously Lip Factory has a lot more lip stuff.  If you want more lip stuff, go with Lip Factory.  More of a mixture, Wantable.

Originally Posted by JenniferV /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I got both Wantable and Lip Factory this month and I think it just depends what suits you best.  They were both pretty great this month, but obviously Lip Factory has a lot more lip stuff.  If you want more lip stuff, go with Lip Factory.  More of a mixture, Wantable.
Thanks for your response, Jennifer! <3

That's another thing that's in Wantable's favour. I'm not so much of a lip gal ~ more of a how-much-mascara-can-I-slather-on-before-my-lashes-fall-out kinda gal.

I liked my Lip Factory box, and the CS was awesome ~ but after years of smoking, my lips aren't quite so lush any more ... so I'm not all about accentuating them.

I *think* you made the point that decides it. Wantable is the one I'll go with (sorry Lip Factory!). Thank you!

Not to throw another box into the mix, but have you considered Starlooks?  It's an all-makeup box, and they rotate on a 3 month schedule of neutrals, neutral/bright mix, and brights.  It's also $15/mo, which puts it at a lower price point than Wantable.  Maybe check out some blog reviews of each box?  

I'd love to wander the aisles of Ulta, but I'm usually too busy peeling my 3-year-old off the walls (and floors, and display racks) to do anymore than grab the first thing in front of me and run away before I end up financially responsible for an entire rack of shattered nail polish.  So for me, letting someone else pick something and pop it in a box is just as successful as any shopping trip I attempt.

I subscribe to Wantable, and they do a great job of matching your requests (via their questionnaire) as to type of product and colors.  You don't end up with a lot of things you won't use.  Their products are all full size and high-end quality. I think they're great!   I don't know anything about Lip Factory, but I would find it boring to only get lip products.

I also have both subs.. They are actually 2 of my favorites. If you are looking for more of a variety I would say go with wantable. My box this month was AMAZING! I recieved 5 full size items including blush from 29 cosmetics which I LOVE, cargo lipgloss, ecotools bamboo kabuki brush, Paula Dorf brow set and nail polish. Also had a sugar scrub sample and it was all wrapped in a scarf (which I wouldn't wear but it looked so pretty packaged up) Its nice being able fill out the survey every month and decide if you want blush or eyeliner or nail polish or not. They really personalize it to your wants. But Lip Factory is great too. My bonus item this month was a full size Stila glaze which I loved. And this months box came with 2 full size 29 cosmetics lip products and 3 eyeshadow pots along with a few other goodies. Both are great subs with AMAZING customer service (which really means a lot to me) so it's really just comes down to which type of sub you are looking for right now because you can't go wrong with either as far as I'm concerned.

i know someone mentioned Starlooks. I haven't tried them yet but have heard great things about them also. Does cost factor in at all in your decision? 

Also forgot to mention, another nice feature with wantable is they give you an option to skip a month.

I gave into lip factory after seeing February's box. Their first box was far from impressive when they first came out in november, mostly drugstore, somewhat outdated too, but now I see they're getting much better. I prefer this over wantable because I'm a lip junkie and I love how there's seems to be so many extras! 

When I signed up a few hours ago, oh the impulse, I received a personalized email two hrs later! I was quite surprised when I read the sentence, "I must be getting the munchies because I first read your name as Caramel."

i can't wait for the march box!

Wantable is almost twice the price as Lip Factory.   I love Lip Factory.  I love the stuff, I love customer service, I love, love, love how responsive they are on facebook.  For the price, Lip Factory can't be beat.

I have a problem buying boxes over $20-ish.  I feel like I'm over-spending on anything more expensive than that.  That said, Wantable does look awesome and I might try one in the next month or so.  I've only got 2 subs right now, Ipsy and Lip Factory.  I cancelled Glossybox after the whole late box from hell last month...even though I got two of them.  I'm afraid to let them have my credit card anymore.  The stuff was great but I just have this worry they'll charge me then disappear into the ether never to be heard from again.

I'm getting my first grandbaby here in a month or so and I'm on a Crazy Granny Lady baby stuff buying spree so I don't have free cash for myself right now.  Maybe in the future.  People keep telling me Beauty Box 5 is a good one too.

So, I'm a bit late to the party on this as I didn't want to jump in before I heard what you guys had to say... but...I vote Wantable! (of course 

But, really, if you guys have any hesitations, I would say give us a try and you can always send you box boy ANYTIME. The return label is even included, and Kayla in customer service rocks at taking care of everyone. There's a few new reviews of us too, and we're working on some awesome new brands for Spring!

thanks so much for posting about us though, the fact that you're even considering us makes us super excited! -Jaclyn

I just got my new lip factory box.  I figured out the value to be $79.50.  And I love it so much.  I really like how they do the all lip products box very 3 or 4 months.

I LOVE Wantable! My first box based on my preferences was amazing! The blush was perfect for my skin tone! I decided to try the Robert Jones box this month and wow- it's amazing.

I'm wearing the gel liner right now- the brush included is perfect too! I'm also wearing the lip gloss and it is my new fav lip gloss- it's not sticky!

I just got my first wantable box and i am SO HAPPY!!! I had a popsugar Must Have box subscription box for 3 months and it was a waste.... so many things I couldnt use. 

I got the black Cailyn gel liner which is AMAZING. best gel liner i've used--- smudge proof, WATER PROOF.... amazing. 

I also got a Swagger highlighter that is gorgeous, a 29 cosmetics eyeshadow palette that is kind of "eh" on me for colors but I will still use it! ... a nude brown nail polish, and some makeup removers. I also got a $20 something Mia BelleZZa blush that wasnt even on the list! Its gorgeous and I love it! 

I am thrilled with this subscription box :) 

Hey ladies!!

@mle102286 - Thanks SO much!! So happy you loved it. Makeup is such an amazing category for us and we're super excited about the brands coming in for Summer too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

So far we know we'll carry: Too Faced, Besame, Knockout Nail Polishes (these awesome little polishes come in perfume bottles), Rainbow Honey Nail Polishes, Manna Kadar Cosmetics, 3 Custom Color Specialists, and Face Stockholm - they're the company that makes the nail polishes for J Crew!

Just wanted to tell you guys about our brand new site, that just launched today! It's a new site with new features, but the same great service and products. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

You can see the new Wantable at 


Jaclyn, you may want to pm Zadidoll about Two Cosmetics.  There are things about that company you may want to know.

Originally Posted by JaclynO /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So far we know we'll carry: Too Faced, 
Too Faced and Two Cosmetics are different companies there are so many beauty brands!

Duh, oops.  I misread it.

Originally Posted by page5 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Too Faced and Two Cosmetics are different companies

there are so many beauty brands!
I have both Wantable Jewelry and Lip Factory, and love them both. I get plenty of cosmetics with Lip Factory and Ipsy, so I went with Wantable Jewelry.

I wasn't at all impressed with Lip Factory...I canceled after my first month. I literally used ONE thing from the box (29 cosmetics mascara), one item went straight in the trash with another soon following, and the other items went into my ever growing gift pile. Wantable, however, I have used EVERYTHING in the makeup boxes and LOVE it! Seriously, customer service is fantastic and the subscription box even more so. My positive comment for lip factory was how easy it was to cancel...

I had wantable during a special promotion where you bought one box and was able to gift them to three people, I just gifted them to myself and got three boxes for the price of one so that was awesome, I have so many subscriptions that I can't really afford a 36 dollars a month so I haven't gotten it since but I was so pleased with it, and the products I got were amazing!!

I am not sure you subscribed to the same wantable I did. Myself and several friends tried this box and sent them back. They didn't match anything. I said no highlighter or blush and that's what I got. PLus they send basically a few core brands. yes they are full sized but the whole idea of a sample box is trying different things not one brand. They are new and really disorganized wantable but they appear to be trying really hard I think in time if they get more brands they will do great. They also need a phone number to call them at if you have a problem. I would skip wantable unless you don't mind getting 3 or 4 items from one brand and repeat items

Originally Posted by lloronita /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I subscribe to Wantable, and they do a great job of matching your requests (via their questionnaire) as to type of product and colors.  You don't end up with a lot of things you won't use.  Their products are all full size and high-end quality. I think they're great!   I don't know anything about Lip Factory, but I would find it boring to only get lip products.

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