Louise Galvin’s Haircolouring Tips

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Jun 13, 2004
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If you get hair colouring wrong, it can lead to months of Bad Hair Days. So we asked Louise Galvin to share her tips on how to get the best out of your hair colourist – so that you end up beautifully brunette, babeliciously blonde or ravishingly red. (Rather than feeling like you have to wear a paper bag on your head – and yes, we’ve been there!)

• ‘Stay within three or four shades of your natural base colour to enhance your skintone and eye colour,’ advises Louise. ‘Also, the results are much less predictable if you stray further than that.’

• ‘If you’re looking to get your hair coloured somewhere new, make an appointment for a consultation at a couple of salons. Ring first to check out the different prices and levels of expertise among the colourists; any good colourist should be happy to talk to you for 10 minutes or so, face-to-face, about your colour possibilities. Trust your instinct: if you “click†and you like what the person’s saying, that’s the colourist for you.’

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</TD></TR><TR><TD class=body colSpan=2>• ‘Be very clear with your colourist about your desired colour choice – take pictures in, if necessary; most disappointments come about because of poor communication and a picture really does speak a thousand words.’

• ‘Brunettes should have a softer shade of brown around the face to avoid harsh hairlines, which are ageing and unflattering.’

• ‘Blondes should avoid having colour taken through to the ends as this makes colour more “solid†and damages the condition.’

• ‘Condition is really important in order to ensure colour stays true, and to reflect shine. Treat your hair to a once-a-week hair pack, minimum – and don’t be stingy: more is more! Slap it on, leave it – and don’t come through until you come to rinse hair. Half-rinse, comb, then rinse the rest of the mask out. Hair will be more elastic, then.’

• ‘Avoid home hair colour. If budget is an issue, go into a salon on model night.’ (Most salons have them – just ask.)

• ‘Natural hair colour is the key to the latest looks right now. Hair should look like it did when you were a child – titian red, brunettes with tortoiseshell lights and blondes with varying tones.’

• ‘My own beauty philosophy is that you don’t need a bathroom shelf full of products to look good – you need a few, carefully-chosen products that really work.’

For more about Louise’s own Sacred Locks range, log on to www.louisegalvin.com</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


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