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Feb 17, 2004
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Join me as I check out this article from BeautySense. My comments are in the [brackets]. After all, I must practice what I condone. Also, feel free to skip over my comments. They are easy to spot since they are in red.

Ok here I gooooooooo... .. ready?

Love the Body You Have [Alone or with someone?]

Dissatisfaction with our bodies is so pervasive [obviously you're feeling guilt for those Oreos...]—even among normal-weight women—that scientists have coined a name for it: normative discontent [how about "after donut discontent disorder?"]. Here's how to keep your inner critic from overreacting to what you see in the mirror. [Yeah, if it weren't for me, she'd have no friends.]

Have you ever wished you had a mirror like Snow White's wicked stepmother's—one that would flatter you every morning by telling you that you're "the fairest in the land" [forget the mirror, just make it happen.]? Instead, yours criticizes your big thighs, nonexistent waist, or flat chest. [i don't need you criticizing them too! Mind your own biz!]

"Many of us suffer from distorted body images; we just don't see ourselves realistically," [it takes a lot of acid to look in the mirror and see Tyra] says Stacey Tantleff-Dunn, PhD, who studies body image and eating behaviors at the University of Central Florida. "As your own worst critic, you are more likely to focus on self-perceived flaws than anyone else is." [How do you know for sure? I see critics everywhere!]

How do you keep your inner critic from overreacting to what you see in the mirror? [i have a feeling you're going to tell me] Here's what body image experts say:

Stop dissing yourself. "If you're constantly telling yourself that you look fat [but I love the anguish this causes!], or you're unattractive in some way, you will feel bad about yourself," says Dr. Tantleff-Dunn, coauthor of Exacting Beauty. Next time you look at your reflection, be conscious of your self-criticism. "Then ask yourself, 'Would I say these things to a friend?'" she says. If not, then don't be so hard on yourself either. [No wonder I have no friends-duh!]

Don't compare yourself to Kate Moss. [actually, I have all my teeth]A study from the University of Toronto found that when women looked at magazine ads featuring models, their self-esteem dropped like a lead sinker [there's nothing like a good "pitty party" after reading Victoria's Secret]. Remind yourself that fashion models and beauty pageant contestants are unnaturally thin. In fact, when researchers calculated the body mass index of all Miss Americas from 1921 to 2002, as many as 26% met the World Health Organization's classification of "undernourished. [did they mention that the rest of us are obese?]" Not the look you're going for [but if I'm underweight, I can help myself out with fries].

Focus on how your body feels rather than how it looks [Woah, are you sure? In public?]. Take a yoga class; ask your partner or a neighbor to walk with you every night; learn salsa dancing [will my husband care if I salsa with my neighbor?]. "As you begin to enjoy your body through yoga, walking, running, or whatever gives you enjoyment," says Dr. Tantleff-Dunn, "you'll find it harder to stay at war with your physical being." Bonus [OMG, you're nasty! Oh, I thought you typed, "boner."] how-to: You won't be able to protest "I don't have the time" if you make a pie chart of how you spend time each day, then cut a slice (from TV watching, for example) to take a

30-minute walk, says Ann Kearney-Cooke, PhD, director of the Cincinnati Psychotherapy Institute. (Of course, check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.) [He's already begged me to exercise so that's covered.]

List all your assets. Alone or with the help of the people who know you best, list 5 to 10 of your good qualities—great sense of humor, smart, a good friend, kind to animals [OMG you know me so well!]—and repeat them to yourself whenever you think that you're "ugly" or "too fat." "There is more to you than how you look," [that's why **** jobs have jumped up more than 300% this year, right?] says Dr. Tantleff-Dunn. "Don't overemphasize the importance of your appearance and underestimate the value of all of your assets.[<-*Blush. Thanks, Dr Tantleff, you have a cute one too!]

Live your life. Have you ever put off something you really wanted to do because you feared how you'd look to other people? Life is too short to postpone a single minute of it. Don't. [Yeah, I always wanted a bikini made of syran wrap. Darn the torpedos!]

Cali, can I say that that was a GREAT article, and I will add that you comments were delightful LOL Seriously, all you ladies should read this.....especially the DONT COMPARE YOURSELF TO KATE MOSS part (although i seriously think she ranks with Paris as OVERRATED!)

Originally Posted by shoediva Cali, can I say that that was a GREAT article, and I will add that you comments were delightful LOL Seriously, all you ladies should read this.....especially the DONT COMPARE YOURSELF TO KATE MOSS part (although i seriously think she ranks with Paris as OVERRATED!) I'm glad you liked it. Even though my comments are tongue and cheek, I find the information in the article to be right on target. As soon as I compare to someone else instead of thinking I am ok the way I am, my esteem drops. I start to feel fat and ugly. Life is too short to be so mean to yourself. Now, I try to just say to myself, everyone is different and attractive in their own way. This feels much healthier to me than tearing yourself apart. Thanks, ShoeD, for the feedback. I would rather try to be grateful for what I have than mourn after what I don't have. If there's a choice, why not take the positive one?
Here's my take: List all your assets. Alone or with the help of the people who know you best, list 5 to 10 of your good qualities—great sense of humor, smart, a good friend, kind to animals [and which one of these will get me LAID?] and repeat them to yourself whenever you think that you're "ugly" or "too fat." "There is more to you than how you look," says Dr. Tantleff-Dunn. "Don't overemphasize the importance of your appearance and underestimate the value of all of your assets. [capital investments, real estate, six-figure+ gross income - I guarantee if you have an abundance of any of these, you really don't have to worry about your appearance. As Drew Carey says: "With two successful T.V. shows, who needs flat abs?"]
Actually there is some truth in sarcasm! Funny post. Loved it! LOL @ the thought of getting "lucky" bec you are kind to animals. I guess the Crock Hunter (Steve Irwin) did!
Oh man. Steve is one person that I could NOT get close to! But actually I really do like Drew Carey. He's got a certain charm about him. Must be the glasses...

Originally Posted by Californian LOL!
Actually there is some truth in sarcasm! Funny post. Loved it! LOL @ the thought of getting "lucky" bec you are kind to animals. I guess the Crock Hunter (Steve Irwin) did!

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