Crap.. I better hurry and get my pro membership. All I have to do is present my business card and proof that I work in the industry and I get my discount! WHOOOO
Originally Posted by Bhav Not another collection!! I'm going to be so broke! Well you have over a month to save for it!! I'm only messing, its not really funny is it Bhav? MAC have me so dam broke
Originally Posted by Trisha I've seen the pics for all the new collections and Im gona be broke xx Broke.. i think that's going to be most of us here!!
Originally Posted by NYAngel98 Guess you have to be a livejournal member to see them... oh well - I'll sign up tomorrow... wanna catch up on here for a bit before bed
Originally Posted by Marisol What error message do you get? Don't remember exact wording - but something about me needing to be logged in to view... tried to log in - just in case I did once sign up (I've signed up for so many - who remembers!? LOL) but I didn't.
i'm kind of bored with the colors right now. so i can't spend any money on shadows that i don't really want and save the $$ for these collections
i'm wondering if i should get the other stuff also like the lippies and blushes or whatever comes out.
i should also get doubles and hawk them on ebay. lol. i would die if i sold something and it got to the price of that one auction for the Jasmine eyeshadow
Originally Posted by NYAngel98 Yeah really !! You know how much new stuff you could buy from one sale!?!? lol
Do enough of those & you can be on one of those infomercials on how you became a millionaire from ebay'ing e/s!! LOL
lol. i barely make any money on ebay
did you see how many jasmine e/s auctions came out when they saw the price for that one. lol! but some looked like they were the same pic from the original auction, but from different ebay members, so that was kind of fishy. i wonder if the other auctions with the same pics went through ok.