Magazine habits forums

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Mar 29, 2007
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When i was young we never had perfume in the house because my mom had a VERY sensitive nose. so when i started getting teen mags and fashion mags(around junior high), i would never open the sample strips and save them for special occasions. if i did open them, it would only be a very small corner. at school dances i would have like 10 little unopened sample strips folded in my back pocket.

to this day, i NEVER open the samples. even though i throw the magazines away with the little strips still in them , i never open the perfume strips all the way, still just a small corner.

its funny the things you cherished when you were little and how they affect your habits today.

That's the first thing I do now, is rip out the samples! I used to love smelling them, but I swear there's too many in mags these days to where it's almost an instant migraine opening one!

My one magazine habit would have to be, as soon as I get my Glamour, I go straight to the back for the do's and don'ts and Glamour List. If nothing else, those will get read LOL!

Doesn't matter what the magazine, I go through first and pull out every single one of those cards and throw them away.. Drives me nuts (ok more nuts..). Lol

I get InStyle and the first thing I do is hit "The Look", "What's Hot Now" and "Best Look" sections then I start going through page by page from the back to the front!! Always have done thins differently or backwards.. Hehe


I read all of the user submitted stories (embarassing moments, best this, my bf did that) before any articles or editorials in the magazine.

Originally Posted by Karren Hutton /img/forum/go_quote.gif Doesn't matter what the magazine, I go through first and pull out every single one of those cards and throw them away.. Drives me nuts (ok more nuts..). Lol me too! especially when im on the train reading it and i have those cards falling all out.
I take out the cards, read all the stupid gossip or funny stories, then read everything else...and I do it back to front, no idea why.

I always tear out the cards first but I almost always read them from cover to cover!

I go through them, see if there are any freebies or good samples, toss out the subscription cards and anything else that interferes. Then I read all the reader-submissions first like Saje, then I read everything else.

Lol Solimar, I do that sometimes as well!

Hahah....when I was little I used to take a sharpie and draw eyeliner around all of the models eyes. My Grandma would get sooo mad when she'd go to read her Redbook!

Now I skim through and then in bed at night I read it cover to cover. I still look at the Models and think they need more eyeliner....

Oh! Pulling out all of the cards is one of the first things I do too! Lord knows how I could've forgotten that LOL!

I always read magazines front to back except for the starsigns. I always save them until last

I HAVE to buy a Magazine when I'm in the check out line. Especially if someone on the cover is someone I would like to read about.
I LOVE reading magazines! The first thing I do is take all the advertisment cards out. I can't stand it when they fall out all over the place!

when a new issue comes out of a magazine, i go through the magazine and take out pictures, ideas whatever i want out.

and when i go read a magazine i write what makeup colors they use and stuff like that in the pages with ads and stuff like that that wasnt wrote up.

my god, that is soooo incredibly organized of you!

Originally Posted by Retro-Violet /img/forum/go_quote.gif when a new issue comes out of a magazine, i go through the magazine and take out pictures, ideas whatever i want out.
and when i go read a magazine i write what makeup colors they use and stuff like that in the pages with ads and stuff like that that wasnt wrote up.

I don't really do this as much now, but I used to ONLY read them from back to front, lol...

i skim through from cover to cover first, then go back and read the articles i'm interested in. then i cut out the articles that have good info and put them in plastic sleeves in a loose leaf binder to refer to later.

sometimes i even make collages from the interesting ad pics.


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