Makeup Tips and Tricks for Mature Skin forums

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Jul 8, 2006
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I've been reading a lot lately about how "more mature" makeup wearers need to follow the guidelines of less-is-more. I believe that to a certain extent. For example I can no longer wear eyeliner on the waterline of my lower eyelid. It makes my eyes look soooo small. I don't necessarily agree with the things I've been seeing about only using neutral colors on eyes though.

I turned 40 earlier this year and even though I take good care of my skin, I am seeing some fine lines around my eyes that are becoming more pronounced. I also still get the monthly breakouts.

I love MMU but haven't found my HG foundation yet. I also love color on my eyes and am trying to figure out the best way to wear color without overdoing it and looking like a clown or like I am trying too hard.

So, for everyone here who would consider themselves to be a mature makeup user I'd like to know what works and what doesn't work for you?

Any hints or tips you use would be appreciated!

I'm 46 and still have the same oily skin and breakouts I did as an adolescent. THEY (experts) lied when they claim that the adolescent skin era would end. I have a better personal understanding of my skin functions and the products (baking soda exfoliant and ACV as toner) and routines that I use to master the oil and manage the breakouts. My skin looks great, but I do need concealer for the scars and hyperpigmented areas. Something about wrinkles, oily skin, pimples and acne all happening together at this age is daunting so I am working with nutrition (diet rich in anti-oxidants, lots of water, fruits, and vegetables, my spiritual practices and stress management) to ease the aging process.

^^^I like your tips.

My mom swears by fish oil, flax seeds and water as far as beauty nutrition. And she's big on Olive oil and Shea Butter for skin.

I tried something a little different today with my MMU application. While I love MMU, I've never liked the settling into my fine lines and fading as the day progresses. Today I mixed a few drops of jojoba oil, and a spritz of water with the MMU and buffing it in once it was creamy. I also mixed jojoba oil with the MMU to make a concealer.

The application was very nice and the coverage was good; better than I expected. So far, I am happy with the way it looks. I am waiting for the oilies to break through or for the MMU to discolor and so far, that hasn't happened.

I am also having some difficulty specially in foundation. I have fine lines, laugh lines, still have break outs. Alot of liquid foundations are sliding off my face in a couple hours or very shiny. And the with the mineral makeup seem to settle in the lines....

FOR MMU I use a dab or moisturizer on top of my hand and then add the mmu, mix and apply makes very nice I am 51


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