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May 19, 2006
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‘Every time I see paparazzi, I cover my face so they don’t get a picture’

Updated: 12:32 p.m. CT Sept 6, 2007

NEW YORK - You see a tabloid shot of Mary-Kate Olsen and think, “Why does she look so depressed?†Well, there’s a reason for that.

“I don’t want my picture taken,†the 21-year-old actress tells Entertainment Weekly magazine. “The only time I think it’s OK is at a red-carpet event or a photo shoot.

“So every time I see paparazzi, I cover my face so they don’t get a picture, and I’m just ‘the mean person who doesn’t smile.â€â€™

Olsen, whose waiflike figure has made her a target of media scrutiny, avoids public displays of attention.

“I would love to be able to swim in the ocean in Malibu,†she says. “But that is asking for a bikini shot. That’s inviting something that I don’t want to happen. I don’t need to be on a ‘Who’s Skinny, Who’s Fat, Who’s Looking Healthy, Who’s Not Eating?’ list.â€

After a hiatus from acting, Olsen — who rose to fame on TV’s “Full House†in a shared role with twin sister Ashley — will portray an alluring Christian girl on Showtime’s “Weeds.†Her 10-episode arc begins Sept. 17.

She also returns to the big screen in “The Wackness,†co-starring Ben Kingsley. The film is slated for release next year.

“There’s definitely been times in my life when I just turned to people and said, ‘I’m done, this is too much for me, this is too overwhelming,â€â€™ Olsen says.

She’s in a healthy frame of mind these days.

“Mentally, physically, I feel pretty on top of my game right now,†Olsen says. “Talk to me next week, I don’t know. Today, I feel good.â€

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