May 2014 No/Low Buy: Support, Hugs, Commiseration, and Confessional forums

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Just when I was getting comfortable not buying anything from mainstream brands (because I'm only a couple of steps away from completely falling into the indie pit of eyeshadows), I feel like "I do not need to buy anything" and "I REALLY DO NOT NEED to buy anything" have been my personal mantras for the day.

I made a $30 Victorian Disco order when they had 20% to celebrate the launch of their new site last week... so I really don't need to buy anything (not that I needed to buy any more eyeshadows either...) sale and Sally Hansen Walgreens deal are causing me emotional stress right now
And we don't have the bang head against the wall smiley, so pretend this smiley is hiding behind the couch in shame :couch:  

I broke my no-buy to place two Sephora orders, but I don't feel too terrible. I needed both items (Living Proof hair mask &the sun safety kit...need may be a stretch, but I do need sunscreen) and by placing separate orders, I was able to get more samples and use two codes.

Today's Walgreen's clearance sale almost got me....but I didn't even cave for a piece of pizza at Costco!!! I wanted the Revlon Colorstay base and topcoats but repeated to myself that I don't need them no matter how cool they are and that the reviews say they have a strong smell that I don't want to pollute my lungs with. I may regret this.

Wanted the Maybelline 8-pan in Sunbaked Neutrals but reminded myself that I've owned it twice in the past and want to move on and also have 45 eyeshadows to get through already.

Went to Target for makeup wipes yesterday because I burned my hand and washing my face will be difficult (I wrap it with a plastic bag in the shower -- it's kind of funny actually), but remembered I have a face scrubber thing at home that just needs to be washed after being in storage. (It helped that all the reviews I read were negative, and that they run like 20 cents a wipe.)

Getting free Starbucks at work helps.

Today's Walgreen's clearance sale almost got me....but I didn't even cave for a piece of pizza at Costco!!! I wanted the Revlon Colorstay base and topcoats but repeated to myself that I don't need them no matter how cool they are and that the reviews say they have a strong smell that I don't want to pollute my lungs with. I may regret this.

Wanted the Maybelline 8-pan in Sunbaked Neutrals but reminded myself that I've owned it twice in the past and want to move on and also have 45 eyeshadows to get through already.

Went to Target for makeup wipes yesterday because I burned my hand and washing my face will be difficult (I wrap it with a plastic bag in the shower -- it's kind of funny actually), but remembered I have a face scrubber thing at home that just needs to be washed after being in storage. (It helped that all the reviews I read were negative, and that they run like 20 cents a wipe.)

Getting free Starbucks at work helps.
Good job! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm currently trying to hit pan on all of the shades in my Maybelline Sunbaked Neutrals. The colors are nice but there's nothing super special about it - similar neutral shades can be found pretty easily (and greens aren't that hard to find either). Good for you for resisting!

Regarding the Revlon base coat... yeah, I'm not sure about that either. I have an unopened China Glaze Ridge Filler in preparation for when I finish up my current base coat (which is 3/4 done)... so I'm trying to tell myself I don't need it. Actually, I'm trying to tell myself to avoid the drugstore beauty clearance altogether...

I really want something from the MAC Maleficent and Alluring Aquatic collections, but I think I only want them because I like the packaging, which is so wrong! I'm going to TRY to pass on both. I'd have to go in-store anyway, because the things I want from both are already sold out online.

Bleh. I broke my no-buy but kind of didn't..? it was a planned for purchase with a $50 allowance. I found someone willing to let a mac pigment in sweet sienna go, which I have been wanting for years, so that was my allowed items. I am getting more and more into pigments and loose shadows, and this could spiral badly, though. Trying to hold my reins in and not get anything else. 

mid-month and no unnecessary beauty purchases yet (well, not counting some hair ties i needed). i'm getting paid tomorrow, but i'll have to pay off my credit card after the unusually high amounts of spending on home stuff/baking supplies/groceries. then i should be back on track with my regular monthly savings in check.

So far, stalking my Fairy Godchild (our term for the Midsummer Secret Santa "giftees") is totally helping me distract myself from buying for me! I'm very happy I saved up Birchbox points for this, it's letting me spoil her with some high-end stuff and letting me save my cash for some of the more mass-market items she seems to favor. Also, visiting family next week, so not only will I not be online at much (which keeps me away from the online deals!), but I'll be in close proximity to stores that would normally be a 1+ hour drive! Yaaaaaay shopping! Just not for me!

Why is it that when I am doing really well on my no/low buy does Sephora have to be 15% cash back with ebates? And I have a 10% off code for VIB on top of that? So dumb! Gahhhhhh!

I am also really bummed because I allowed myself to buy the Guerlain Meteorites after being such a good girl and of course they are sold out in the color I want. I cannot win, y'all!

One thing that has been helping while I'm trying to save is avoiding the Enablers thread, the ladies over there always know how to entice me with their good deals. I won't even click on that thread anymore. lol

So far, stalking my Fairy Godchild (our term for the Midsummer Secret Santa "giftees") is totally helping me distract myself from buying for me! I'm very happy I saved up Birchbox points for this, it's letting me spoil her with some high-end stuff and letting me save my cash for some of the more mass-market items she seems to favor. Also, visiting family next week, so not only will I not be online at much (which keeps me away from the online deals!), but I'll be in close proximity to stores that would normally be a 1+ hour drive! Yaaaaaay shopping! Just not for me!
So much this! Especially the part about Birchbox points! Between the bonus points for subscribing during certain months and Sorry points for late shipments, I keep looking at my point balances across my accounts and getting gleeful at all of the options. I'm holding off on mass market shopping until we're a little closer to shipping just to make sure I don't buy something that she just picked up for herself, but with Birchbox, I kind of feel like I *need* to place the order now just to get it in time to ship back out!

Yes, this exactly. I don't need a 1000 excuses about your warehouse, Birchbox. I NEED THE PRETTIES FOR MY GODCHILD. I also need to be clairvoyant, because the ONE thing I don't have/can't find is a list of specific "I want these items" from her. And there are several things I want to buy, but don't know if she has them in her beauty stash. Haha the struggle is real! I'm pretty sure I have the BB order down, though. I remembered the mystery pack and all!

I think the only shipping fee I'll have to pay is for one GDE order (oh! Hang on I have a GDE expert right here! @@meaganola the site said free shipping for samples, does that include an entire collection of sample jars of one of the new collections? And would I still get the May GWP because it would be over $10?). No shipping fee for Birchbox (yay Aces!) and the rest will be from actual stores. I fell like I'm planning an invasion. A frugal, yet stylish invasion. OMG I'm rambling so hard right now. Back to the Birchbox website!

@magicalmom  Yes and yes!  That's what I do on a regular basis (in fact, I am currently anxiously awaiting the delivery of a set of the new Matte 2 Feminine sample jars right this minute.  They left Las Vegas today, so I probably won't get them until Saturday, but that's okay because I can't use them until Wednesday due to the fact that I'm testing something I can't wear any other shadow or liner with).  Except you don't get the GWP with every order over $10.  You get it with every order, period.  It's just that there's a $10 minimum to order in the first place!  There have been more than a couple of times when all I had is ten bucks, so I ordered four sample jars, and I received the GWP with it. 

(And this month's GWP color is *gorgeous*!  I already received one in an earlier order, but I'll be getting another one with this order, so if your next question was going to be about whether it was one per person, the answer is that it's one per order.  I think I made three orders one month and ended up with three jars of that month's GWP.)

Oh good to know! The GWP is really gorgeous but it also goes well with the collection I'm ordering, so I'm gonna be a good girl (SIIIIIIIGH) and send it to my godchild. She deserves all the pretties!

Thanks so much! I love your GDE expertise!

Hello Waffle, goodbye wallet :scared:   (because there's no "bang head against the wall" smiley)

Hello Waffle came out with a new collection (Musician Collection) and apparently there's going to be a flash sale tomorrow... I'm already thinking of how I'm going to decorate the pressed palette.
Well, crap.  I DID NOT need to know about Hello Waffle.  An Alice in Wonderland loose pigment collection?  No.  Step away from the new indie pigment company.  No new companies are allowed until August.

Well, crap.  I DID NOT need to know about Hello Waffle.  An Alice in Wonderland loose pigment collection?  No.  Step away from the new indie pigment company.  No new companies are allowed until August.
Aw, man, I really should not have looked! I absolutely love Alice in Wonderland!

:: closes browser and runs away ::

So I've been sort of staying away from MUT & its definitely helped me curb my spending. I just see all the new pretties & codes and stuff then I want, want, want!!! I'm been super amazingly good though. The only thing I've bought lately : $2 mini memebox! 

I'm pretty late to the low buy this month but now is better than never.  I don't really have any goals except try to not go overboard at Lush. I just made an order at Lush for moisturizer.  I ran out of my day and night moisturizer.  Then I started using my samples and I have one tiny tiny sample left so now I'm kind of scared I'm going to have to go days without any until my order arrives.  I do have a body lotion that's for sensitive skin and is okay for facial use so I guess I could use that if I run out but I'd really rather not.  Also, just found out about the Lush Kitchen on the UK site yesterday.  That is something I did not need to know about.  I work at night so I can already see myself checking the site in the early morning to see whats available and buying things I 'need' because they are so 'limited'.  I'm going to try and be good.  My motivation is that I can shop for my Fairy Godchild!


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