MeetCuteCrystal here... forums

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Aug 10, 2012
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Hey, everyone. First things first, a lot of people as me about my user name. No, it's not because I think I'm cute and you have to meet me, although that what everyone thinks. I lived with a film producer for 4 1/2 years. Not a good producer, like the just out of film school works as an intern at Warner Brothers type. Anyway, there are a lot of strange people in Los Angeles (I loved living there) and I was always meeting people in the strangest ways. Example, I met my then bf at the Long Beach aquarium when I fell into the outdoor Shark Lagoon. I'm clumsy and wasn't paying attention. Anyway Bamboo sharks are harmless, you can pet them there. He was petting one of the sharks.

"A meet-cute is a situation in which a future romantic couple meets for the first time in a way that is considered adorable, entertaining or amusing." Film School 101

So he called me meet-cute Crystal for years and it stuck. Although he didn't.

I am a makeup addict. I am running out of space in my bathroom to keep it. 

I have long curly red hair, that I blow out every day because taming my curls takes way longer.

I have dark brown eyes that strangers tell me are black every other day. Which I find very amusing and not at all annoying.

I live in Oregon (born and mostly raised) after a 5 year trek in Denver, Colorado and a 5 year stay in Los Angeles (Pasadena).

I am a Birchbox subscriber since June, makeuptalk lurker for about a month a half.

My friends will be relieved I can annoy strangers with my chatter about makeup and perfume and leave them alone.

So what are we talking about?


 Hello and welcome to MUT! 
So glad you found us!! There is so much information here and a great way to teach, learn and grow! If there is anything you have a question on, please feel free to contact me or any of the mods to help you out. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hope you enjoy the boards!

Lol, what a great intro! Welcome to Makeup Talk; you'll find lots of people with similar interests, who are more than happy to chatter about everything beauty. Feel free to jump in and join any of our many boards.

Welcome to Makeup Talk Crystal, it sounds like you are going to fit right in here! First thing, please read our Terms of Service. Next go visit your profile (top of the page) and fill out some information about yourself so we can get to know you. Then go take a stroll through our forum filled with beautiful goodies and helpful information.

Do you like makeup tutorials? Go check out our section filled with Makeup Tutorials and Videos. Love to join in group discussions? Come browse the groups and find which one interests you most... maybe all of them!

Most of all, we hope you have a fun time here and find answers to any and all questions  you may have.


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