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I've never had my Memepoints the day I ask for them.  It takes three or four days and that's with emailing them, too.  Which means I need to ask ahead of suspected new box releases in order to try and have them when I need them.

I'm guessing their system is pretty haphazard and that's why Memepoint withdrawal hasn't been automated yet.  You can bet they would rather not have to do it by hand.  It's a pretty crappy website.

I have mentioned before that Memebox does have "lists".  I know this because I emailed about getting a review box and they said I was on their "Giveaway" list and not the "Review Box" list.  Since I currently prefer to be on the Giveaway list (i've got so many boxes coming it's ridiculous), I'm okay with that.

With all that being said, I'm curious to know if they are limiting review points to affiliates only now.  

Either way, I think its good for a blogger to send in their reviews.  If you want to get noticed, that's a good way to do it.  While they may not get points now, getting on "the list" is a good thing!  

Edited to add: Yeah!!  Where's our September points?!  And...  they've been doing giveaways at the beginning of every month :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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Still never heard back on points for my Cute Wishlist review, so I resent that for a sixth time along with my Luckybox 9 review today. Might just give up on the points. But I'll still keep blogging, I have the Scent trio coming next Tuesday! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I guess I just barely missed the review points, I started getting my boxes and sent them my 5-6 reviews twice and still no points. It's a little disappointing considering those points would go right back into more boxes to review and promote for them. But as it stands without the points, I'm not getting any new boxes. I will wait for September codes to get any more.

I hate asking this question, but I am concerned with the lack of response from the affiliate email.  I do hope they aren't being spammed by customers who aren't affiliates.   I usually get a response within a day or two and I haven't. 

I've had an outstanding withdrawal request to memepoints from last monday (august 25th).  Anyone else having issues with memebox completing those transactions?      I wonder if the affiliate help desk is on vacation or something....

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I hate asking this question, but I am concerned with the lack of response from the affiliate email.  I do hope they aren't being spammed by customers who aren't affiliates.   I usually get a response within a day or two and I haven't. 

I've had an outstanding withdrawal request to memepoints from last monday (august 25th).  Anyone else having issues with memebox completing those transactions?      I wonder if the affiliate help desk is on vacation or something....
Unfortunately, there were quite a few people in the Memebox thread telling people if they couldn't get a response with the hi@memebox e-mail, to use the affiliate e-mail. I remember reading it and cringing. It's been awhile since I've seen it (although it's happened here and there within the past month) so I wouldn't doubt that they're overloaded with e-mails as much as the regular e-mail is. 

It's irritating to say the least.

Unfortunately, there were quite a few people in the Memebox thread telling people if they couldn't get a response with the hi@memebox e-mail, to use the affiliate e-mail. I remember reading it and cringing. It's been awhile since I've seen it (although it's happened here and there within the past month) so I wouldn't doubt that they're overloaded with e-mails as much as the regular e-mail is. 

It's irritating to say the least.
sigh, that is irritating.

I never emailed the affiliate email for non-affiliate stuff.  And when I wasn't an affiliate, I would never dream of emailing them.   

I hate asking this question, but I am concerned with the lack of response from the affiliate email.  I do hope they aren't being spammed by customers who aren't affiliates.   I usually get a response within a day or two and I haven't. 

I've had an outstanding withdrawal request to memepoints from last monday (august 25th).  Anyone else having issues with memebox completing those transactions?      I wonder if the affiliate help desk is on vacation or something....
I have first time problem waiting for withdrawal from Thursday and emails didn't help...
I have first time problem waiting for withdrawal from Thursday and emails didn't help...
okay, so it isn't just me then...

don't they realize that we are just putting our points back into their products?  Why would they delay it?

I haven't seen anything reminding us to make cash withdrawal requests and I think that today is supposed to be the day that happens? Blerg I have a shopping list ready (and it includes, like, six boxes!).

I guess they don't give a flying flip about getting new orders or business....
I have a sinking sensation that they're ridiculously, preposterously understaffed. If they're anything like other start-ups, I suspect that they get a lot of their labor from student interns. The people I've talked to who handle affiliate stuff seem competent and speedy--I suspect that they're either just massively understaffed right now or understaffed and between semesters (read: between unpaid or minimally paid college student intern-slaves).

I don't mind the slight delay.... gotten a small withdrawal accumulated over 2 months. I hope it will be processed before an awesome box appears! lol

I'm just irritated if paypal charges for currency conversion/ service tax. Does anyone know what % we lose?

I have a sinking sensation that they're ridiculously, preposterously understaffed. If they're anything like other start-ups, I suspect that they get a lot of their labor from student interns. The people I've talked to who handle affiliate stuff seem competent and speedy--I suspect that they're either just massively understaffed right now or understaffed and between semesters (read: between unpaid or minimally paid college student intern-slaves).
The replies I have gotten varies from a professional robot with monotonous answers to a teenage college girl who abuses emoticons. I would like to think that they are working on synchronizing their CS team and setting up a standard protocol on how to deal with stuff. 

I don't mind the slight delay.... gotten a small withdrawal accumulated over 2 months. I hope it will be processed before an awesome box appears! lol

I'm just irritated if paypal charges for currency conversion/ service tax. Does anyone know what % we lose?
I just move mine into memepoints, so I can make a withdrawal several times a month.  I will just spend it on boxes anyway!

Just got an affiliate email about the Memebox YouTube channel...hey Memebox, how about you focus your energy on getting us blogger discount codes, review points, and fixing your customer service?

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Just got an affiliate email about the Memebox YouTube channel...hey Memebox, how about you focus your energy on getting us blogger discount codes, review points, and fixing your customer service?
Ugh...yea I saw that e-mail and was so confused. I'm not a youtuber, so I guess it sort of makes the tiniest bit of sense to suggest sharing those videos with our readers... but if I was a youtuber I would be very confused as to why they were sending me videos to share? Like...youtubers make their own videos, they don't need to share yours too. 

I responded to the youtube e-mail and disregarded it by asking about the September coupon codes. I basically just said that I was waiting on posting reviews because they still hadn't been sent out (which is true) but c'mon. The reason why they are as popular as they are is solely because of the people who reviewed their boxes and got the word out. If they want that to continue, they need to be on top of this stuff, otherwise the buzz will die out.

Long story short: youtube videos focusing on your lame nail boxes is not going to create sales. Customer service issues being fixed and staying on top of your partners/affiliates stuff WILL. 

so we are all still awaiting money or points to be converted. 

someone above said that people suggested people use the affiliate email if hi meme didn't work, omg really,that could suddenly make sense if people have cottoned on and maybe joined the affiliate program just to get say messages through, then that could be spammed as much as the hi meme and warrant the affiliate email useless. i so hope this hasn't happened, so apart from the weekly stats report and the youtube email we are all in the same boat ,receiving nothing  from affiliate email. 

i mean i have even changed the tittle so it stops going into spam. so we have no points, no codes no info. tomorrow is the 3rd maybe things will come clearer tomorrow ,but then they are on holidays this weekend reviewing but can't add codes ,links or nowt , its a shame as memebox lose out if we all slow down on reviewing and buying.


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