Mineral Makeup- what it really is?

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Mineral makeup - foundation usually contains some common ingredients - titanium oxide, zinc oxide, plain mica and oxides for colour.  They usually come in powdered form but this phrase - mineral makeup is being loosely interpreted to include liquid and mousse formats.  The coverage on this type of foundation is buildable.  You can have sheer coverage to full coverage just by applying more in layers.  I prefer this as I like sheer and light.  I can't even feel the makeup on my skin.  

Well out where I live, people would say mineral makeup's the same as rubbing dirt on your face! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Mineral makeup is a looser type of makeup made with minerals. Many people think it's all natural, but many mineral makeup products contain artificial compounds. Mineral makeup is better for people with allergies and is less likely to clog pores. Mineral foundation is my favorite. 

i took chemical lessons when i was in university, and i think if you add mineral products on your face, it would be a kind o hurt specially your skin is sensitive, but if occasionally it would be okay!

I'm not sure that you'd be learning that in chemistry.  The products are primarily inert (non-reactive).  It'd be like doing chemical experiments on dirt.

Originally Posted by DavaL /img/forum/go_quote.gif

i took chemical lessons when i was in university, and i think if you add mineral products on your face, it would be a kind o hurt specially your skin is sensitive, but if occasionally it would be okay!

basically ground up rocks is all that it is. trick is in purifying it after the raw material has been dug up. lots of the components are also artificially made, otherwise it'd be very expensive to get them  pure enough for cosmetics use. couple of large factories produce all the micas in the world etc.

this used to be common makeup before it was made into industry in 20th century and the petrochemical industry thrived - Kleopatra ran around with ground malachite on the eyelids and red clay on the cheeks, celtic  warriors decorated themselves with blue clay etc - mineral makeup is nothing new.

Originally Posted by DairyGirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Well out where I live, people would say mineral makeup's the same as rubbing dirt on your face! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Mineral makeup is a looser type of makeup made with minerals. Many people think it's all natural, but many mineral makeup products contain artificial compounds. Mineral makeup is better for people with allergies and is less likely to clog pores. Mineral foundation is my favorite. 
LOL yep, ITA!


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