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Mar 8, 2005
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Did this end already? I haven't been keeping up with it. Can someone fill me in?

Originally Posted by Charmaine It ended either last week or two weeks ago. I didn't see the finale either...I'm hoping to catch a rerun. Yep, the Good Guys won! It was a triathalon type challenge..rowing, biking, running. The Bad Asses were arguing and name calling each other, and during the running segment, Tina and Tonya had to actually be carried by the boys. Good prevailed over evil. hehe.
I'm glad the good guys won, although the Bad Asses are much more fun to watch.

yep. good guys won! i wish some of the good guys that got kicked off were able to make it to the end. like brad and robin.

oh and i wish derrick from the bad asses was on the good guys team too.

I was really excited by who won. Tonight was the reunion. Anyone watch it?

Ughhhhhh I missed the reunion, too. I need to get a DVR (TIVO). I'm happy to hear the Good Guys won.

Can't wait to catch the reruns. Thanks for the info everyone.

Originally Posted by Sofia Ughhhhhh I missed the reunion, too. I need to get a DVR (TIVO). I'm happy to hear the Good Guys won. Can't wait to catch the reruns. Thanks for the info everyone.

I am sure that it will rerun forever.

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