My daddy is gone. :( forums

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Wow, I'm sorry my love. I'm no good at comforting but it's a hard thing to deal with but know you have your family by your side and stay positive.

I hope the best for you and your family!

Kristie, I am so sorry
You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers, we're all here for you darling

Oh my.... i am so sorry for your loss!!! I have lost many people over the years that were really close to me... HE may be gone but you and your mom can keep him with you remembering all the wonderful things about him.

I couldn't read all the posts for eyes were welling up...... keep your chin up.... things will start to feel better in time. hugs*

I'm sorry to hear about your father's passing. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.

Hello Kristie!

It is a sad and somewhat lost time for both you and your mother. My father died two years ago. At first I was very sad all the time. My Dad was the person I asked questions about, traveled with, joked with and adored. If I had a question he was the one I conferred with. Then he was gone. There was a hole in my life. Then the hole changed to only great memories, strong stories, reread books and wanting to tell him things that were happening and wanting to get feedback...but he was gone. The hole has gotten small now. There is not a day that goes by still that I don't think of him. However, the memories are sweet and the stories are happy now. It is time for you and your Mom to "pull up your socks and get on with life". These are words from a favorite family friend that had to deal with her loss. I do not know you Kristie, but you are in my thoughts and prayers! Be strong for your Mother, think often and well of your Dad, be happy you are his daughter and he did well by you!


Kristie, I am so sorry to hear your father passed.
You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

I'm sorry for your loss. As has been said, things will get better as time passes. Be strong! Good luck!!

Kristie, I'm so sorry. Best wishes for you and your family at this difficult time. If you need a chat or anything, you can pm me whenever!

So sorry hun,my dad has been gone 14 years and it still feels like yesterday

I just said a prayer for you and yr family... I'm sorry to hear about losing yr daddy. You'll miss him, I'm sure. But think of it this way. You have an extra angel to look after you now.

Peace and love, Kristie. Celebrate him.

Oh wow I'm so sorry Kristie. I hope you guys are handling everything ok. We are all here for you. You can depend on your fellow muters to be here for you.

Thank you so much to everyone for your support. It has been a very rough road. Now the legal stuff and payment for services comes into play but I did find out that my Dad left me the means to do so, so I'm really thankful for that.
