My First No-Buy :( forums

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Hey, so i decided the stuff i was originonally going to sell i am going toupload into the swap forum instead. I am pretty open to swapping and since i am always on a no buy it will enable me to try new stuff.

it will be uploaded in about a week, so keep your eyes open i have a ton of stuff to swap

So I crapped out! I bought that L'Oreal Liquid Liner from CVS. But a terrific buy! This I might add to my HG list. My grammy also gave me a hundred bucks for Christmas and I went to the CCO... but maybe that doesn't count
I think a big helper was being referred to MUA. Swaps there are amazing and fulfill my current lemmings. I wanted Paint pots sooooo bad.... and picked up 6 this month. Thats almost a 100 smackers! I'll try harder in January though.

i have no choice but to be on a no buy. it's why i swap . but someone told me how to get a prepaid card i can put the paypal money on so now i'll be able to use it for the needed food and bills.

still no more buying i guess.

Yeah, its tough. Tougher for me though because I've never actually done it. I spent the last 9 out of 15 years overseas so it made it easier. Being deployed and what not or with my dad who was stationed overseas. There was never MAC and department stores LOL. Being in the Army helped me just buy whatever I wanted when I was in the states too. So I have expensive habits and boy do they die hard!

I have caviar taste on a fish stick budget! I'm getting better though.

the only things i've ever spent money on was sneakers(like seriously dvs, dc, osiris stuff) and makeup. i have logic i swear. shoes keep me walking and they gotta be comfy and then the makeup is part of my career.

or so that's my story and i'm stickin to it

I really suck at grocery shopping. Buy what I want... not really frugal
I do use coupons though but I grab the pretty package and not the generic... got to do better with that too!

Shoes... it has logic! The best logic. Bad ones will hurt your feet, back, knees as far as I'm concerned its one of the most important buys!

there's certain things that just aren't good generic. ask the freaking kroger mac n cheese that is gross and chalky and DOESN'T TASTE GOOD. ugh.

i'm always hungry haha so i'm bad at any grocery shopping. i always want stuff i can't afford.

Me too! I buy deli meat not packaged up bologna! Bluk! Deli Cheese! Ground beef thats like 98% lean. Sirloin steaks! Man, and I wonder why I'm broke LOL There I tell myself it's "better" for you. Less fattening!

The way my family does the food thingys is for stapples that we are not super picky about we buy in bulk and cheap (stuff like pasta, american cheese, cold cuts)

but than things that we may not eat everyday like ground beef or steak we have in the mid price range. the only things we really spend a good amount on are special diatary foods (like my moms soy cheese and soy milk) and sour dough bread because it is the only bread we buy where it does not go bad before we eat it (aka we eat it really fast)

LOL yeah my dad... they don't even buy beef cause they say it "costs too much" my gosh! I couldn't survive without beef! I don't even know how to cook without beef ha ha ha ha ha ha


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