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Feb 2, 2013
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Hey everyone Makeup Talkers! So I am a newbie around here, but I really am liking the whole concept. I want to tell you guys my story about makeup. So just a few years ago, I went through a self-realization and self-confidence phase. I got into art and became very passionate. I started messing around with my eye liners, foundations, brushes, and pigments and before I knew I was painting my face as if it were a canvas. I don't believe in wearing makeup to make yourself appeal to others, I believe in using makeup as a material of art and as a higher level of art, because, it is much harder to have precision on your constantly moving body than on a piece of paper. I love the ability to use so many different kinds of techniques to make different looks and inspire others to create art too. I really hope to get to learn more things to help me get farther in my art and make even better looks than before. 

xoxo thequeendreams

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