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Feb 26, 2006
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Hair forms the crowning glory of women. It is an essential feminine character and has captured many a poets dreams. Hence special care must be taken to ensure possession of shiny cascading hair.

Some important hair care tips

  • Do not a cap while exercising.
  • Never comb wet hair.
  • Use a brush with natural bristles.
  • Use a hat or an umbrella when out in sun to protect from UV Rays.
  • Use a good hair conditioner, hair pack and apply oil on the scalp and massage properly if you have colored your hair.
  • Massage gently on the scalp using oil and leave for 2-3 hours before washing your hair.
  • Use coconut oil in summers.
  • Massage with hot mustard or olive oil.
  • Natural conditioner like eggs, alma, water, henna and beer adds to the luster of your hair.
  • Always use a branded and quality shampoo.
  • Use curd to prevent hair fall.
  • Avoid using artificial products like gels, etc.
  • Seek advice of hairstylist before getting any hairstyle.
  • Get your hair trimmed in regular time intervals.
  • Apply mousse or any other volume-enhancing product to your hair while it is damp and secure it in a loose bun on top of your head. Loosen your hair when dry, you'll find fabulous volume added to the roots of your hair.
  • Lighten your hair color with lemon juice if you don't have enough time to go to the parlor. Apply conditioner to damp hair and again apply lemon juice directly on the front, as the streaks at front are light. Now rub extra juice at the ends of your hair and sit in the sun for 1/2 hour and then wash using moisturizing shampoo.
Natural Hair Care Tips - Care For Hair
Thanks Michal!

Good and useful information. Thanks for sharing over here. There are also lots of teen who have been suffering lower growth of hair. They like to use hair extension as an alternative. They need to know that the side effects of using hair extension is very dangerous. 

Very nice tips! I would like to add on to the list and say that washing hair with cold water will help lock in shine after a nice oil treatment or hair mask.

My personal faves would be coconut oil/grapeseed. Lately I have been doing a honey/avocado mask and that has been lovely!


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