Natural Home Made Exfoliators forums

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Jun 25, 2012
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Try out some of these natural and home made exfoliators to keep your skin looking healthy.1.Make up a mixture of baking soda and water. Use them in the same ratio. Rub into your skin.2. A paste of oatmeal and water makes a good facial scrub.If anyone knows how to make other natural home made exfoliators, do let me know 

Regular face exfoliation is the best way to keep your skin clear and healthy.


The most simple exfoliator treatment you can find is a sugar and water solution. Simply soak your face with a warm flannel for a few minutes, before applying the sugar and water solution, and gently massage into your skin before rinsing off. This will do the basic job of gently removing dead skin cells and grime from your skin, combating problems such as spots and acne.

Another alternative to sugar is sea salt. Whilst sugar is great as a facial exfoliator, sea salt is a little more abrasive and can be used over the entire body, paying particular attention to tough areas such as knees and elbows.

Cleansing ,Exfoliation and moisturising are the three main steps towards clear and glowing skin. You may also read this interesting article on skin care (Deleted link per TERMS OF SERVICE).

1)Combine oatmeal and water into a paste and use as a great mild facial exfoliator.   2)For a more coarse formula, scrub sea salt or regular salt on your skin while in the shower. Just be sure to use a good moisturizer afterward because salt can have drying effects on the skin.   3)Combine baking soda and water into a paste and rub into the skin.   4)A mixture made of sugar and olive oil is another great exfoliant. As well as sugar and honey which infuses skin with honey's softening properties.   5)Sugar and Baby oil is another favorite of mine because the baby oil gets deep into the skin to moisturize while you slough off dead skin cells. So your killing two birds with one stone :)


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