I'm needing alot of makeup... Mostly the basics from ranges of foundations, eyeshadow palettes, lip stuff and have no clue where to buy? Ideas?? Places to buy?
I meant that I need a "lot" of makeup. I am willing to buy an abundance of makeup, because I'm hosting a makeup party and need the ranges that I spoke of of foundation to do people's makeup. I think I got you guys confused.
If you need a wide range of foundation, you're probably going to need to get some foundation palettes. Check to see if they carry something like Cinema Secrets or RCMA at your local theater/costume shop.
Originally Posted by aplsmash /img/forum/go_quote.gif You mean like, in bulk?
If you need a wide range of foundation, you're probably going to need to get some foundation palettes. Check to see if they carry something like Cinema Secrets or RCMA at your local theater/costume shop.