I also need some help. I can't remember who mentioned a foundation by Stila, if I'm not mistaken, that gives a dewy, not oily look. Where are all the Stila ladies? I'd really appreciate it.
Originally Posted by Sofia I also need some help. I can't remember who mentioned a foundation by Stila, if I'm not mistaken, that gives a dewy, not oily look. Where are all the Stila ladies? I'd really appreciate it. Trisha is your #1 Stila chick since she works for them and truly believes in their product. Here is the review of the illuminating liquid foundation that gives a dewy look. It was written up by Jennifer.
That's it!!! Thank you so much Marisol. It didn't cross my mind to check the reviews. I'm thinking the dewy look would look better than a matte look for a daytime wedding I'm in. You have been great help to me tonight!
Originally Posted by Sofia That's it!!! Thank you so much Marisol. It didn't cross my mind to check the reviews. I'm thinking the dewy look would look better than a matte look for a daytime wedding I'm in. You have been great help to me tonight! Anytime Sofia. That is what we are here for. Did you find the review helpful?
I often forget to look at teh reviews so that is why I try to point people to them.